## Install The easiest way to install the ccxt library is to use builtin package managers: - [ccxt in **NPM**](http://npmjs.com/package/ccxt) (JavaScript / Node v15+) - [ccxt in **PyPI**](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ccxt) (Python 3) This library is shipped as an all-in-one module implementation with minimalistic dependencies and requirements: - [ccxt.js](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/ccxt.js) in JavaScript - [./python/](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/python/) in Python (generated from JS) - [ccxt.php](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/ccxt.php) in PHP (generated from JS) You can also clone it into your project directory from [ccxt GitHub repository](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt) and copy files manually into your working directory with language extension appropriate for your environment. ```shell git clone https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt.git ``` An alternative way of installing this library is to build a custom bundle from source. Choose exchanges you need in `exchanges.cfg`. ### JavaScript (NPM) JavaScript version of ccxt works both in Node and web browsers. Requires ES6 and `async/await` syntax support (Node 15+). When compiling with Webpack and Babel, make sure it is [not excluded](https://github.com/ccxt-dev/ccxt/issues/225#issuecomment-331582275) in your `babel-loader` config. [ccxt crypto trading library in npm](http://npmjs.com/package/ccxt) ```shell npm install ccxt ``` ```javascript var ccxt = require ('ccxt') console.log (ccxt.exchanges) // print all available exchanges ``` ### JavaScript (for use with the ` ``` We also provide webpack minified and tree-shaken versions of the library starting from version 3.0.35 - Visit https://cdn.ccxt.com to browse the prebundled versions we distribute. | name | size | |----------------|--------| | binance.min.js | ~300kb | | bitget.min.js | ~200kb | | bitmart.min.js | ~200kb | | bybit.min.js | ~300kb | | ccxt.min.js | ~3mb | | huobi.min.js | ~300kb | | kucoin.min.js | ~200kb | | mexc.min.js | ~200kb | | okx.min.js | ~250kb | Note: the file sizes are subject to change. ```html ``` Here is an [example](https://cdn.ccxt.com/example.html) using a custom bybit bundle from our cdn in the browser ```html

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``` The default entry point for the browser is `window.ccxt` and it creates a global ccxt object: ```javascript console.log (ccxt.exchanges) // print all available exchanges ``` ### Custom JavaScript Builds It takes time to load all scripts and resources. The problem with in-browser usage is that the entire CCXT library weighs a few megabytes which is a lot for a web application. Sometimes it is also critical for a Node app. Therefore to lower the loading time you might want to make your own custom build of CCXT for your app with just the exchanges you need. CCXT uses webpack to remove dead code paths to make the package smaller. Follow these steps: ```bash # 1. clone the repository git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt.git # 2. go to the cloned repository cd ccxt # 3. install dependencies npm install # 4. edit exchanges.cfg for the exchanges of your interest echo -e "binance\nokx" > exchanges.cfg # 5. build the library npm run export-exchanges npm run bundle-browser # 6a. copy the browser file to your project folder if you are buildig a web application cp dist/ccxt.browser.js path/to/your/html/project # 6b. or link against the library if you are building a Node.js application npm link cd path/to/your/node/project npm link ccxt # 6c. directly import ccxt from the entry point touch app.js # inside of app.js import ccxt from './js/ccxt.js' console.log (ccxt) # now you can run your app like so node app.js ``` ### Python [ccxt algotrading library in PyPI](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ccxt) ```shell pip install ccxt ``` ```python import ccxt print(ccxt.exchanges) # print a list of all available exchange classes ``` The library supports concurrent asynchronous mode with asyncio and async/await in Python 3.5.3+ ```python import ccxt.async_support as ccxt # link against the asynchronous version of ccxt ``` ### PHP The autoloadable version of ccxt can be installed with [**Packagist/Composer**](https://packagist.org/packages/ccxt/ccxt) (PHP 7.0+). It can also be installed from the source code: [**`ccxt.php`**](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccxt/ccxt/master/php) It requires common PHP modules: - cURL - mbstring (using UTF-8 is highly recommended) - PCRE - iconv - gmp (this is a built-in extension as of PHP 7.2+) ```php include "ccxt.php"; var_dump (\ccxt\Exchange::$exchanges); // print a list of all available exchange classes ``` The library supports concurrent asynchronous mode using tools from [RecoilPHP](https://github.com/recoilphp/recoil) and [ReactPHP](https://reactphp.org/) in PHP 7.2+. Read the [Manual](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki) for more details. ### .net/C# [ccxt in C# with **Nugget**](https://www.nuget.org/packages/ccxt) (netstandard 2.0 and netstandard 2.1) ```c# using ccxt; Console.WriteLine(ccxt.Exchanges) // check this later ``` ### Docker You can get CCXT installed in a container along with all the supported languages and dependencies. This may be useful if you want to contribute to CCXT (e.g. run the build scripts and tests — please see the [Contributing](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) document for the details on that). You don't need the Docker image if you're not going to develop CCXT. If you just want to use CCXT – just install it as a regular package into your project. Using `docker-compose` (in the cloned CCXT repository): ```shell docker-compose run --rm ccxt ``` Alternatively: ```shell docker build . --tag ccxt docker run -it ccxt ``` ## Proxy If you are unable to obtain data from CCXT due to some location restrictions, you can make read [proxy](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#proxy) section.