## binance{docsify-ignore} **Kind**: global class **Extends**: Exchange * [fetchTime](#fetchtime) * [fetchCurrencies](#fetchcurrencies) * [fetchMarkets](#fetchmarkets) * [fetchBalance](#fetchbalance) * [fetchOrderBook](#fetchorderbook) * [fetchStatus](#fetchstatus) * [fetchTicker](#fetchticker) * [fetchBidsAsks](#fetchbidsasks) * [fetchLastPrices](#fetchlastprices) * [fetchTickers](#fetchtickers) * [fetchOHLCV](#fetchohlcv) * [fetchTrades](#fetchtrades) * [editContractOrder](#editcontractorder) * [editOrder](#editorder) * [createOrders](#createorders) * [createOrder](#createorder) * [createMarketOrderWithCost](#createmarketorderwithcost) * [createMarketBuyOrderWithCost](#createmarketbuyorderwithcost) * [createMarketSellOrderWithCost](#createmarketsellorderwithcost) * [fetchOrder](#fetchorder) * [fetchOrders](#fetchorders) * [fetchOpenOrders](#fetchopenorders) * [fetchOpenOrder](#fetchopenorder) * [fetchClosedOrders](#fetchclosedorders) * [fetchCanceledOrders](#fetchcanceledorders) * [fetchCanceledAndClosedOrders](#fetchcanceledandclosedorders) * [cancelOrder](#cancelorder) * [cancelAllOrders](#cancelallorders) * [cancelOrders](#cancelorders) * [fetchOrderTrades](#fetchordertrades) * [fetchMyTrades](#fetchmytrades) * [fetchMyDustTrades](#fetchmydusttrades) * [fetchDeposits](#fetchdeposits) * [fetchWithdrawals](#fetchwithdrawals) * [transfer](#transfer) * [fetchTransfers](#fetchtransfers) * [fetchDepositAddress](#fetchdepositaddress) * [fetchTransactionFees](#fetchtransactionfees) * [fetchDepositWithdrawFees](#fetchdepositwithdrawfees) * [withdraw](#withdraw) * [fetchTradingFee](#fetchtradingfee) * [fetchTradingFees](#fetchtradingfees) * [fetchFundingRate](#fetchfundingrate) * [fetchFundingRateHistory](#fetchfundingratehistory) * [fetchFundingRates](#fetchfundingrates) * [fetchLeverageTiers](#fetchleveragetiers) * [fetchPosition](#fetchposition) * [fetchOptionPositions](#fetchoptionpositions) * [fetchPositions](#fetchpositions) * [fetchFundingHistory](#fetchfundinghistory) * [setLeverage](#setleverage) * [setMarginMode](#setmarginmode) * [setPositionMode](#setpositionmode) * [fetchLeverages](#fetchleverages) * [fetchSettlementHistory](#fetchsettlementhistory) * [fetchMySettlementHistory](#fetchmysettlementhistory) * [fetchLedger](#fetchledger) * [reduceMargin](#reducemargin) * [addMargin](#addmargin) * [fetchCrossBorrowRate](#fetchcrossborrowrate) * [fetchIsolatedBorrowRate](#fetchisolatedborrowrate) * [fetchIsolatedBorrowRates](#fetchisolatedborrowrates) * [fetchBorrowRateHistory](#fetchborrowratehistory) * [createGiftCode](#creategiftcode) * [redeemGiftCode](#redeemgiftcode) * [verifyGiftCode](#verifygiftcode) * [fetchBorrowInterest](#fetchborrowinterest) * [repayCrossMargin](#repaycrossmargin) * [repayIsolatedMargin](#repayisolatedmargin) * [borrowCrossMargin](#borrowcrossmargin) * [borrowIsolatedMargin](#borrowisolatedmargin) * [fetchOpenInterestHistory](#fetchopeninteresthistory) * [fetchOpenInterest](#fetchopeninterest) * [fetchMyLiquidations](#fetchmyliquidations) * [fetchGreeks](#fetchgreeks) * [fetchPositionMode](#fetchpositionmode) * [fetchMarginModes](#fetchmarginmodes) * [fetchOption](#fetchoption) * [fetchConvertCurrencies](#fetchconvertcurrencies) * [fetchConvertQuote](#fetchconvertquote) * [createConvertTrade](#createconverttrade) * [fetchConvertTrade](#fetchconverttrade) * [fetchConvertTradeHistory](#fetchconverttradehistory) * [watchLiquidations](#watchliquidations) * [watchLiquidationsForSymbols](#watchliquidationsforsymbols) * [watchMyLiquidations](#watchmyliquidations) * [watchMyLiquidationsForSymbols](#watchmyliquidationsforsymbols) * [watchOrderBook](#watchorderbook) * [watchOrderBookForSymbols](#watchorderbookforsymbols) * [unWatchOrderBookForSymbols](#unwatchorderbookforsymbols) * [unWatchOrderBook](#unwatchorderbook) * [fetchOrderBookWs](#fetchorderbookws) * [watchTradesForSymbols](#watchtradesforsymbols) * [unWatchTradesForSymbols](#unwatchtradesforsymbols) * [unWatchTrades](#unwatchtrades) * [watchTrades](#watchtrades) * [watchOHLCV](#watchohlcv) * [watchOHLCVForSymbols](#watchohlcvforsymbols) * [unWatchOHLCVForSymbols](#unwatchohlcvforsymbols) * [unWatchOHLCV](#unwatchohlcv) * [fetchTickerWs](#fetchtickerws) * [fetchOHLCVWs](#fetchohlcvws) * [watchTicker](#watchticker) * [watchTickers](#watchtickers) * [unWatchTickers](#unwatchtickers) * [unWatchTicker](#unwatchticker) * [watchBidsAsks](#watchbidsasks) * [fetchBalanceWs](#fetchbalancews) * [fetchPositionWs](#fetchpositionws) * [fetchPositionsWs](#fetchpositionsws) * [watchBalance](#watchbalance) * [createOrderWs](#createorderws) * [editOrderWs](#editorderws) * [cancelOrderWs](#cancelorderws) * [cancelAllOrdersWs](#cancelallordersws) * [fetchOrderWs](#fetchorderws) * [fetchOrdersWs](#fetchordersws) * [fetchClosedOrdersWs](#fetchclosedordersws) * [fetchOpenOrdersWs](#fetchopenordersws) * [watchOrders](#watchorders) * [watchPositions](#watchpositions) * [fetchMyTradesWs](#fetchmytradesws) * [fetchTradesWs](#fetchtradesws) * [watchMyTrades](#watchmytrades) ### fetchTime{docsify-ignore} fetches the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: int - the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#check-server-time // spot - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Check-Server-Time // swap - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Check-Server-time // future | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchTime ([params]) ``` ### fetchCurrencies{docsify-ignore} fetches all available currencies on an exchange **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an associative dictionary of currencies **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/capital/all-coins-info | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchCurrencies ([params]) ``` ### fetchMarkets{docsify-ignore} retrieves data on all markets for binance **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - an array of objects representing market data **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#exchange-information // spot - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Exchange-Information // swap - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Exchange-Information // future - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/Exchange-Information // option | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchMarkets ([params]) ``` ### fetchBalance{docsify-ignore} query for balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [balance structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=balance-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#account-information-user_data // spot - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/account/Query-Cross-Margin-Account-Details // cross margin - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/account/Query-Isolated-Margin-Account-Info // isolated margin - https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/asset/funding-wallet // funding - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Futures-Account-Balance-V2 // swap - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/Futures-Account-Balance // future - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/account/Option-Account-Information // option - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Account-Balance // portfolio margin | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string | No | 'future', 'delivery', 'savings', 'funding', or 'spot' or 'papi' | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated', for margin trading, uses this.options.defaultMarginMode if not passed, defaults to undefined/None/null | | params.symbols | Array<string>, undefined | No | unified market symbols, only used in isolated margin mode | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch the balance for a portfolio margin account | | params.subType | string | No | 'linear' or 'inverse' | ```javascript binance.fetchBalance ([params]) ``` ### fetchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#order-book // spot - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Order-Book // swap - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Order-Book // future - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/Order-Book // option | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchOrderBook (symbol[, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchStatus{docsify-ignore} the latest known information on the availability of the exchange API **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [status structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=exchange-status-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/others/system-status | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchStatus ([params]) ``` ### fetchTicker{docsify-ignore} fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#24hr-ticker-price-change-statistics // spot - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#rolling-window-price-change-statistics // spot - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/24hr-Ticker-Price-Change-Statistics // swap - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/24hr-Ticker-Price-Change-Statistics // future - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/24hr-Ticker-Price-Change-Statistics // option | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.rolling | boolean | No | (spot only) default false, if true, uses the rolling 24 hour ticker endpoint /api/v3/ticker | ```javascript binance.fetchTicker (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchBidsAsks{docsify-ignore} fetches the bid and ask price and volume for multiple markets **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [ticker structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#symbol-order-book-ticker // spot - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Symbol-Order-Book-Ticker // swap - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Symbol-Order-Book-Ticker // future | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | unified symbols of the markets to fetch the bids and asks for, all markets are returned if not assigned | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchBidsAsks (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchLastPrices{docsify-ignore} fetches the last price for multiple markets **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of lastprices structures **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#symbol-price-ticker // spot - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Symbol-Price-Ticker // swap - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Symbol-Price-Ticker // future | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | unified symbols of the markets to fetch the last prices | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchLastPrices (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchTickers{docsify-ignore} fetches price tickers for multiple markets, statistical information calculated over the past 24 hours for each market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [ticker structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#24hr-ticker-price-change-statistics // spot - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/24hr-Ticker-Price-Change-Statistics // swap - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/24hr-Ticker-Price-Change-Statistics // future - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/24hr-Ticker-Price-Change-Statistics // option | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | No | unified symbols of the markets to fetch the ticker for, all market tickers are returned if not assigned | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | | params.type | string | No | 'spot', 'option', use params["subType"] for swap and future markets | ```javascript binance.fetchTickers ([symbols, params]) ``` ### fetchOHLCV{docsify-ignore} fetches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#klinecandlestick-data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/Kline-Candlestick-Data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Kline-Candlestick-Data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Index-Price-Kline-Candlestick-Data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Mark-Price-Kline-Candlestick-Data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Premium-Index-Kline-Data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Kline-Candlestick-Data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Index-Price-Kline-Candlestick-Data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Mark-Price-Kline-Candlestick-Data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Premium-Index-Kline-Data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for | | timeframe | string | Yes | the length of time each candle represents | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.price | string | No | "mark" or "index" for mark price and index price candles | | params.until | int | No | timestamp in ms of the latest candle to fetch | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript binance.fetchOHLCV (symbol, timeframe[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchTrades{docsify-ignore} get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol Default fetchTradesMethod **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Trade> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#compressedaggregate-trades-list // publicGetAggTrades (spot) - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Compressed-Aggregate-Trades-List // fapiPublicGetAggTrades (swap) - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Compressed-Aggregate-Trades-List // dapiPublicGetAggTrades (future) - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/Recent-Trades-List // eapiPublicGetTrades (option) Other fetchTradesMethod - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#recent-trades-list // publicGetTrades (spot) - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Recent-Trades-List // fapiPublicGetTrades (swap) - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Recent-Trades-List // dapiPublicGetTrades (future) - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#old-trade-lookup // publicGetHistoricalTrades (spot) - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Old-Trades-Lookup // fapiPublicGetHistoricalTrades (swap) - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Old-Trades-Lookup // dapiPublicGetHistoricalTrades (future) - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/Old-Trades-Lookup // eapiPublicGetHistoricalTrades (option) | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | since | int | No | only used when fetchTradesMethod is 'publicGetAggTrades', 'fapiPublicGetAggTrades', or 'dapiPublicGetAggTrades' | | limit | int | No | default 500, max 1000 | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | only used when fetchTradesMethod is 'publicGetAggTrades', 'fapiPublicGetAggTrades', or 'dapiPublicGetAggTrades' | | params.fetchTradesMethod | int | No | 'publicGetAggTrades' (spot default), 'fapiPublicGetAggTrades' (swap default), 'dapiPublicGetAggTrades' (future default), 'eapiPublicGetTrades' (option default), 'publicGetTrades', 'fapiPublicGetTrades', 'dapiPublicGetTrades', 'publicGetHistoricalTrades', 'fapiPublicGetHistoricalTrades', 'dapiPublicGetHistoricalTrades', 'eapiPublicGetHistoricalTrades' | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS | | params.fromId | int | No | trade id to fetch from, default gets most recent trades, not used when fetchTradesMethod is 'publicGetTrades', 'fapiPublicGetTrades', 'dapiPublicGetTrades', or 'eapiPublicGetTrades' | ```javascript binance.fetchTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### editContractOrder{docsify-ignore} edit a trade order **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Modify-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Modify-Order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | cancel order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | 'market' or 'limit' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency | | price | float | No | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.editContractOrder (id, symbol, type, side, amount[, price, params]) ``` ### editOrder{docsify-ignore} edit a trade order **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#cancel-an-existing-order-and-send-a-new-order-trade - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Modify-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Modify-Order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | cancel order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | 'market' or 'limit' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency | | price | float | No | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.editOrder (id, symbol, type, side, amount[, price, params]) ``` ### createOrders{docsify-ignore} *contract only* create a list of trade orders **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Place-Multiple-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Place-Multiple-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Place-Multiple-Orders | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | orders | Array | list of orders to create, each object should contain the parameters required by createOrder, namely symbol, type, side, amount, price and params | ```javascript binance.createOrders (orders, [undefined]) ``` ### createOrder{docsify-ignore} create a trade order **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#new-order-trade - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#test-new-order-trade - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/New-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/New-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/New-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#sor - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#test-new-order-using-sor-trade - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/New-UM-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/New-CM-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/New-Margin-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/New-UM-Conditional-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/New-CM-Conditional-Order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | 'market' or 'limit' or 'STOP_LOSS' or 'STOP_LOSS_LIMIT' or 'TAKE_PROFIT' or 'TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT' or 'STOP' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | how much of you want to trade in units of the base currency | | price | float | No | the price that the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.reduceOnly | string | No | for swap and future reduceOnly is a string 'true' or 'false' that cant be sent with close position set to true or in hedge mode. For spot margin and option reduceOnly is a boolean. | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated', for spot margin trading | | params.sor | boolean | No | *spot only* whether to use SOR (Smart Order Routing) or not, default is false | | params.test | boolean | No | *spot only* whether to use the test endpoint or not, default is false | | params.trailingPercent | float | No | the percent to trail away from the current market price | | params.trailingTriggerPrice | float | No | the price to trigger a trailing order, default uses the price argument | | params.triggerPrice | float | No | the price that a trigger order is triggered at | | params.stopLossPrice | float | No | the price that a stop loss order is triggered at | | params.takeProfitPrice | float | No | the price that a take profit order is triggered at | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to create an order in a portfolio margin account | | params.stopLossOrTakeProfit | string | No | 'stopLoss' or 'takeProfit', required for spot trailing orders | ```javascript binance.createOrder (symbol, type, side, amount[, price, params]) ``` ### createMarketOrderWithCost{docsify-ignore} create a market order by providing the symbol, side and cost **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#new-order-trade | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | cost | float | Yes | how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.createMarketOrderWithCost (symbol, side, cost[, params]) ``` ### createMarketBuyOrderWithCost{docsify-ignore} create a market buy order by providing the symbol and cost **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#new-order-trade | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | cost | float | Yes | how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.createMarketBuyOrderWithCost (symbol, cost[, params]) ``` ### createMarketSellOrderWithCost{docsify-ignore} create a market sell order by providing the symbol and cost **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#new-order-trade | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | cost | float | Yes | how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.createMarketSellOrderWithCost (symbol, cost[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrder{docsify-ignore} fetches information on an order made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - An [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#query-order-user_data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Query-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Query-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Query-Single-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Query-Margin-Account-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-UM-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-CM-Order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | the order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated', for spot margin trading | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch an order in a portfolio margin account | ```javascript binance.fetchOrder (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrders{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#all-orders-user_data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Query-Option-Order-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Query-Margin-Account-All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-UM-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-CM-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-UM-Conditional-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-CM-Conditional-Orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated', for spot margin trading | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch orders for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch orders in a portfolio margin account | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch portfolio margin account stop or conditional orders | ```javascript binance.fetchOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenOrders{docsify-ignore} fetch all unfilled currently open orders **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#current-open-orders-user_data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Current-All-Open-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Current-All-Open-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Query-Current-Open-Option-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Query-Margin-Account-Open-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-Current-UM-Open-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-Current-UM-Open-Conditional-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-Current-CM-Open-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-Current-CM-Open-Conditional-Orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of open orders structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated', for spot margin trading | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch open orders in the portfolio margin account | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch portfolio margin account conditional orders | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchOpenOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenOrder{docsify-ignore} fetch an open order by the id **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Query-Current-Open-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Query-Current-Open-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-Current-UM-Open-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-Current-UM-Open-Conditional-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-Current-CM-Open-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-Current-CM-Open-Conditional-Order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.trigger | string | No | set to true if you would like to fetch portfolio margin account stop or conditional orders | ```javascript binance.fetchOpenOrder (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchClosedOrders{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple closed orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#all-orders-user_data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Query-Option-Order-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Query-Margin-Account-All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-UM-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-CM-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-UM-Conditional-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-CM-Conditional-Orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch orders in a portfolio margin account | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch portfolio margin account stop or conditional orders | ```javascript binance.fetchClosedOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchCanceledOrders{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple canceled orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#all-orders-user_data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Query-Option-Order-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Query-Margin-Account-All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-UM-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-CM-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-UM-Conditional-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-CM-Conditional-Orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market the orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch orders in a portfolio margin account | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch portfolio margin account stop or conditional orders | ```javascript binance.fetchCanceledOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchCanceledAndClosedOrders{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple canceled orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#all-orders-user_data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Query-Option-Order-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Query-Margin-Account-All-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-UM-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-CM-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-UM-Conditional-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-All-CM-Conditional-Orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market the orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch orders in a portfolio margin account | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch portfolio margin account stop or conditional orders | ```javascript binance.fetchCanceledAndClosedOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### cancelOrder{docsify-ignore} cancels an open order **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - An [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#cancel-order-trade - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Cancel-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Cancel-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Cancel-Option-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Margin-Account-Cancel-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-UM-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-CM-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-UM-Conditional-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-CM-Conditional-Order - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-Margin-Account-Order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to cancel an order in a portfolio margin account | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to cancel a portfolio margin account conditional order | ```javascript binance.cancelOrder (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### cancelAllOrders{docsify-ignore} cancel all open orders in a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#cancel-all-open-orders-on-a-symbol-trade - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Cancel-All-Open-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Cancel-all-Option-orders-on-specific-symbol - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Margin-Account-Cancel-All-Open-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-All-UM-Open-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-All-UM-Open-Conditional-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-All-CM-Open-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-All-CM-Open-Conditional-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Cancel-Margin-Account-All-Open-Orders-on-a-Symbol | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market to cancel orders in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated', for spot margin trading | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to cancel orders in a portfolio margin account | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to cancel portfolio margin account conditional orders | ```javascript binance.cancelAllOrders (symbol[, params]) ``` ### cancelOrders{docsify-ignore} cancel multiple orders **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Cancel-Multiple-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Cancel-Multiple-Orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | ids | Array<string> | Yes | order ids | | symbol | string | No | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS | | params.origClientOrderIdList | Array<string> | No | max length 10 e.g. ["my_id_1","my_id_2"], encode the double quotes. No space after comma | | params.recvWindow | Array<int> | No | | ```javascript binance.cancelOrders (ids[, symbol, params]) ``` ### fetchOrderTrades{docsify-ignore} fetch all the trades made from a single order **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#account-trade-list-user_data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Account-Trade-List - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Account-Trade-List - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Query-Margin-Account-Trade-List | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of trades to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchOrderTrades (id, symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchMyTrades{docsify-ignore} fetch all trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Trade> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/rest-api#account-trade-list-user_data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Account-Trade-List - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Account-Trade-List - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Query-Margin-Account-Trade-List - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Account-Trade-List - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/UM-Account-Trade-List - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/CM-Account-Trade-List | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch trades for a portfolio margin account | ```javascript binance.fetchMyTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchMyDustTrades{docsify-ignore} fetch all dust trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/asset/dust-log | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | not used by binance fetchMyDustTrades () | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch my dust trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of dust trades to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string | No | 'spot' or 'margin', default spot | ```javascript binance.fetchMyDustTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchDeposits{docsify-ignore} fetch all deposits made to an account **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [transaction structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/capital/deposite-history - https://developers.binance.com/docs/fiat/rest-api/Get-Fiat-Deposit-Withdraw-History | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch deposits for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of deposits structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.fiat | bool | No | if true, only fiat deposits will be returned | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript binance.fetchDeposits (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchWithdrawals{docsify-ignore} fetch all withdrawals made from an account **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [transaction structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/capital/withdraw-history - https://developers.binance.com/docs/fiat/rest-api/Get-Fiat-Deposit-Withdraw-History | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch withdrawals for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of withdrawals structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.fiat | bool | No | if true, only fiat withdrawals will be returned | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch withdrawals for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript binance.fetchWithdrawals (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### transfer{docsify-ignore} transfer currency internally between wallets on the same account **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [transfer structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transfer-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/asset/user-universal-transfer | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | amount | float | Yes | amount to transfer | | fromAccount | string | Yes | account to transfer from | | toAccount | string | Yes | account to transfer to | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string | No | exchange specific transfer type | | params.symbol | string | No | the unified symbol, required for isolated margin transfers | ```javascript binance.transfer (code, amount, fromAccount, toAccount[, params]) ``` ### fetchTransfers{docsify-ignore} fetch a history of internal transfers made on an account **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [transfer structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transfer-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/asset/query-user-universal-transfer | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency transferred | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch transfers for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of transfers structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch transfers for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.internal | boolean | No | default false, when true will fetch pay trade history | ```javascript binance.fetchTransfers (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchDepositAddress{docsify-ignore} fetch the deposit address for a currency associated with this account **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [address structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=address-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/capital/deposite-address | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchDepositAddress (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchTransactionFees{docsify-ignore} `DEPRECATED` please use fetchDepositWithdrawFees instead **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [fee structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/capital/all-coins-info | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | codes | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | not used by binance fetchTransactionFees () | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchTransactionFees (codes[, params]) ``` ### fetchDepositWithdrawFees{docsify-ignore} fetch deposit and withdraw fees **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [fee structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/capital/all-coins-info | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | codes | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | not used by binance fetchDepositWithdrawFees () | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchDepositWithdrawFees (codes[, params]) ``` ### withdraw{docsify-ignore} make a withdrawal **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [transaction structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/capital/withdraw | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to withdraw | | address | string | Yes | the address to withdraw to | | tag | string | Yes | | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.withdraw (code, amount, address, tag[, params]) ``` ### fetchTradingFee{docsify-ignore} fetch the trading fees for a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [fee structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/asset/trade-fee - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/User-Commission-Rate - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/User-Commission-Rate - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-User-Commission-Rate-for-UM - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-User-Commission-Rate-for-CM | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch trading fees in a portfolio margin account | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchTradingFee (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchTradingFees{docsify-ignore} fetch the trading fees for multiple markets **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [fee structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet/asset/trade-fee - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Account-Information-V2 - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/Account-Information - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Account-Config | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchTradingFees ([params]) ``` ### fetchFundingRate{docsify-ignore} fetch the current funding rate **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [funding rate structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=funding-rate-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Mark-Price - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Index-Price-and-Mark-Price | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchFundingRate (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchFundingRateHistory{docsify-ignore} fetches historical funding rate prices **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [funding rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=funding-rate-history-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Get-Funding-Rate-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Get-Funding-Rate-History-of-Perpetual-Futures | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the funding rate history for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest funding rate to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of [funding rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=funding-rate-history-structure) to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | timestamp in ms of the latest funding rate | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchFundingRateHistory (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchFundingRates{docsify-ignore} fetch the funding rate for multiple markets **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [funding rates structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=funding-rates-structure), indexe by market symbols **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Mark-Price - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Index-Price-and-Mark-Price | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | list of unified market symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchFundingRates (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchLeverageTiers{docsify-ignore} retrieve information on the maximum leverage, and maintenance margin for trades of varying trade sizes **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [leverage tiers structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=leverage-tiers-structure), indexed by market symbols **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Notional-and-Leverage-Brackets - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/Notional-Bracket-for-Symbol - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/UM-Notional-and-Leverage-Brackets - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/CM-Notional-and-Leverage-Brackets | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | list of unified market symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch the leverage tiers for a portfolio margin account | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchLeverageTiers (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchPosition{docsify-ignore} fetch data on an open position **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [position structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=position-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Option-Position-Information | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market the position is held in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchPosition (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOptionPositions{docsify-ignore} fetch data on open options positions **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [position structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=position-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Option-Position-Information | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | list of unified market symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchOptionPositions (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchPositions{docsify-ignore} fetch all open positions **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [position structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=position-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Account-Information-V2 - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/Account-Information - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Position-Information-V2 - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Position-Information - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/Option-Position-Information | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | No | list of unified market symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | method | string | No | method name to call, "positionRisk", "account" or "option", default is "positionRisk" | | params.useV2 | bool | No | set to true if you want to use the obsolete endpoint, where some more additional fields were provided | ```javascript binance.fetchPositions ([symbols, params, method]) ``` ### fetchFundingHistory{docsify-ignore} fetch the history of funding payments paid and received on this account **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [funding history structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=funding-history-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Get-Income-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/Get-Income-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-UM-Income-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-CM-Income-History | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch funding history for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of funding history structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | timestamp in ms of the latest funding history entry | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch the funding history for a portfolio margin account | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchFundingHistory (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### setLeverage{docsify-ignore} set the level of leverage for a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - response from the exchange **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Change-Initial-Leverage - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Change-Initial-Leverage - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Change-UM-Initial-Leverage - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Change-CM-Initial-Leverage | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | leverage | float | Yes | the rate of leverage | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to set the leverage for a trading pair in a portfolio margin account | ```javascript binance.setLeverage (leverage, symbol[, params]) ``` ### setMarginMode{docsify-ignore} set margin mode to 'cross' or 'isolated' **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - response from the exchange **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Change-Margin-Type - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Change-Margin-Type | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | marginMode | string | Yes | 'cross' or 'isolated' | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.setMarginMode (marginMode, symbol[, params]) ``` ### setPositionMode{docsify-ignore} set hedged to true or false for a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - response from the exchange **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Change-Position-Mode - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Change-Position-Mode - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-UM-Current-Position-Mode - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-CM-Current-Position-Mode | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | hedged | bool | Yes | set to true to use dualSidePosition | | symbol | string | Yes | not used by binance setPositionMode () | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to set the position mode for a portfolio margin account | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.setPositionMode (hedged, symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchLeverages{docsify-ignore} fetch the set leverage for all markets **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a list of [leverage structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=leverage-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Account-Information-V2 - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/Account-Information - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-UM-Account-Detail - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-CM-Account-Detail - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Symbol-Config | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | No | a list of unified market symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchLeverages ([symbols, params]) ``` ### fetchSettlementHistory{docsify-ignore} fetches historical settlement records **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [settlement history objects](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=settlement-history-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/Historical-Exercise-Records | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the settlement history | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms | | limit | int | No | number of records, default 100, max 100 | | params | object | No | exchange specific params | ```javascript binance.fetchSettlementHistory (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchMySettlementHistory{docsify-ignore} fetches historical settlement records of the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [settlement history objects] **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/trade/User-Exercise-Record | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the settlement history | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms | | limit | int | No | number of records | | params | object | No | exchange specific params | ```javascript binance.fetchMySettlementHistory (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchLedger{docsify-ignore} fetch the history of changes, actions done by the user or operations that altered the balance of the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [ledger structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ledger-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/account/Account-Funding-Flow - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Get-Income-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/Get-Income-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-UM-Income-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-CM-Income-History | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest ledger entry | | limit | int | No | max number of ledger entrys to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | timestamp in ms of the latest ledger entry | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch the ledger for a portfolio margin account | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchLedger (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### reduceMargin{docsify-ignore} remove margin from a position **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [margin structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=reduce-margin-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Modify-Isolated-Position-Margin - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Modify-Isolated-Position-Margin | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | amount | float | Yes | the amount of margin to remove | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.reduceMargin (symbol, amount[, params]) ``` ### addMargin{docsify-ignore} add margin **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [margin structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=add-margin-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Modify-Isolated-Position-Margin - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Modify-Isolated-Position-Margin | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | amount | float | Yes | amount of margin to add | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.addMargin (symbol, amount[, params]) ``` ### fetchCrossBorrowRate{docsify-ignore} fetch the rate of interest to borrow a currency for margin trading **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [borrow rate structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-rate-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/borrow-and-repay/Query-Margin-Interest-Rate-History | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchCrossBorrowRate (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchIsolatedBorrowRate{docsify-ignore} fetch the rate of interest to borrow a currency for margin trading **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [isolated borrow rate structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=isolated-borrow-rate-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/account/Query-Isolated-Margin-Fee-Data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS | | params.vipLevel | object | No | user's current specific margin data will be returned if viplevel is omitted | ```javascript binance.fetchIsolatedBorrowRate (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchIsolatedBorrowRates{docsify-ignore} fetch the borrow interest rates of all currencies **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [borrow rate structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-rate-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/account/Query-Isolated-Margin-Fee-Data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.symbol | object | No | unified market symbol EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS | | params.vipLevel | object | No | user's current specific margin data will be returned if viplevel is omitted | ```javascript binance.fetchIsolatedBorrowRates ([params]) ``` ### fetchBorrowRateHistory{docsify-ignore} retrieves a history of a currencies borrow interest rate at specific time slots **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - an array of [borrow rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-rate-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/borrow-and-repay/Query-Margin-Interest-Rate-History | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | since | int | No | timestamp for the earliest borrow rate | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of [borrow rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-rate-structure) to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchBorrowRateHistory (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### createGiftCode{docsify-ignore} create gift code **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - The gift code id, code, currency and amount **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/gift_card/market-data/Create-a-single-token-gift-card | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | gift code | | amount | float | Yes | amount of currency for the gift | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.createGiftCode (code, amount[, params]) ``` ### redeemGiftCode{docsify-ignore} redeem gift code **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - response from the exchange **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/gift_card/market-data/Redeem-a-Binance-Gift-Card | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | giftcardCode | string | Yes | | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.redeemGiftCode (giftcardCode[, params]) ``` ### verifyGiftCode{docsify-ignore} verify gift code **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - response from the exchange **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/gift_card/market-data/Verify-Binance-Gift-Card-by-Gift-Card-Number | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | reference number id | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.verifyGiftCode (id[, params]) ``` ### fetchBorrowInterest{docsify-ignore} fetch the interest owed by the user for borrowing currency for margin trading **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [borrow interest structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-interest-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/borrow-and-repay/Get-Interest-History - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/account/Get-Margin-BorrowLoan-Interest-History | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | No | unified currency code | | symbol | string | No | unified market symbol when fetch interest in isolated markets | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch borrrow interest for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch the borrow interest in a portfolio margin account | ```javascript binance.fetchBorrowInterest ([code, symbol, since, limit, params]) ``` ### repayCrossMargin{docsify-ignore} repay borrowed margin and interest **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Margin-Account-Repay - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/borrow-and-repay/Margin-Account-Borrow-Repay | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to repay | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to repay | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to repay margin in a portfolio margin account | ```javascript binance.repayCrossMargin (code, amount[, params]) ``` ### repayIsolatedMargin{docsify-ignore} repay borrowed margin and interest **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/borrow-and-repay/Margin-Account-Borrow-Repay | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol, required for isolated margin | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to repay | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to repay | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.repayIsolatedMargin (symbol, code, amount[, params]) ``` ### borrowCrossMargin{docsify-ignore} create a loan to borrow margin **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/borrow-and-repay/Margin-Account-Borrow-Repay - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Margin-Account-Borrow | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to borrow | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to borrow | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to borrow margin in a portfolio margin account | ```javascript binance.borrowCrossMargin (code, amount[, params]) ``` ### borrowIsolatedMargin{docsify-ignore} create a loan to borrow margin **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/borrow-and-repay/Margin-Account-Borrow-Repay | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol, required for isolated margin | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to borrow | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to borrow | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.borrowIsolatedMargin (symbol, code, amount[, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenInterestHistory{docsify-ignore} Retrieves the open interest history of a currency **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an array of [open interest structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=open-interest-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Open-Interest-Statistics - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Open-Interest-Statistics | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | Unified CCXT market symbol | | timeframe | string | Yes | "5m","15m","30m","1h","2h","4h","6h","12h", or "1d" | | since | int | No | the time(ms) of the earliest record to retrieve as a unix timestamp | | limit | int | No | default 30, max 500 | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters | | params.until | int | No | the time(ms) of the latest record to retrieve as a unix timestamp | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript binance.fetchOpenInterestHistory (symbol, timeframe[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenInterest{docsify-ignore} retrieves the open interest of a contract trading pair **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an open interest structure[https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=open-interest-structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=open-interest-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/rest-api/Open-Interest - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/market-data/Open-Interest - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/Open-Interest | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified CCXT market symbol | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters | ```javascript binance.fetchOpenInterest (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchMyLiquidations{docsify-ignore} retrieves the users liquidated positions **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an array of [liquidation structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=liquidation-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade/Get-Force-Liquidation-Record - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/rest-api/Users-Force-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/trade/Users-Force-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-Users-UM-Force-Orders - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/portfolio-margin/trade/Query-Users-CM-Force-Orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | No | unified CCXT market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch liquidations for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of liquidation structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters for the binance api endpoint | | params.until | int | No | timestamp in ms of the latest liquidation | | params.paginate | boolean | No | *spot only* default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to fetch liquidations in a portfolio margin account | | params.type | string | No | "spot" | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchMyLiquidations ([symbol, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchGreeks{docsify-ignore} fetches an option contracts greeks, financial metrics used to measure the factors that affect the price of an options contract **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [greeks structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=greeks-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/Option-Mark-Price | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch greeks for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchGreeks (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchPositionMode{docsify-ignore} fetchs the position mode, hedged or one way, hedged for binance is set identically for all linear markets or all inverse markets **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an object detailing whether the market is in hedged or one-way mode **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Get-Current-Position-Mode - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/Get-Current-Position-Mode | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchPositionMode (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchMarginModes{docsify-ignore} fetches margin modes ("isolated" or "cross") that the market for the symbol in in, with symbol=undefined all markets for a subType (linear/inverse) are returned **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a list of [margin mode structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-mode-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/account/Account-Information - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Account-Information-V2 - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/rest-api/Symbol-Config | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript binance.fetchMarginModes (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOption{docsify-ignore} fetches option data that is commonly found in an option chain **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [option chain structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=option-chain-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/option/market-data/24hr-Ticker-Price-Change-Statistics | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchOption (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchConvertCurrencies{docsify-ignore} fetches all available currencies that can be converted **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an associative dictionary of currencies **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/convert/market-data/Query-order-quantity-precision-per-asset | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchConvertCurrencies ([params]) ``` ### fetchConvertQuote{docsify-ignore} fetch a quote for converting from one currency to another **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [conversion structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=conversion-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/convert/trade/Send-quote-request | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | fromCode | string | Yes | the currency that you want to sell and convert from | | toCode | string | Yes | the currency that you want to buy and convert into | | amount | float | Yes | how much you want to trade in units of the from currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.walletType | string | No | either 'SPOT' or 'FUNDING', the default is 'SPOT' | ```javascript binance.fetchConvertQuote (fromCode, toCode, amount[, params]) ``` ### createConvertTrade{docsify-ignore} convert from one currency to another **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [conversion structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=conversion-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/convert/trade/Accept-Quote | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | the id of the trade that you want to make | | fromCode | string | Yes | the currency that you want to sell and convert from | | toCode | string | Yes | the currency that you want to buy and convert into | | amount | float | No | how much you want to trade in units of the from currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.createConvertTrade (id, fromCode, toCode[, amount, params]) ``` ### fetchConvertTrade{docsify-ignore} fetch the data for a conversion trade **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [conversion structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=conversion-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/convert/trade/Order-Status | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | the id of the trade that you want to fetch | | code | string | No | the unified currency code of the conversion trade | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchConvertTrade (id[, code, params]) ``` ### fetchConvertTradeHistory{docsify-ignore} fetch the users history of conversion trades **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [conversion structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=conversion-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/convert/trade/Get-Convert-Trade-History | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | No | the unified currency code | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch conversions for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of conversion structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | timestamp in ms of the latest conversion to fetch | ```javascript binance.fetchConvertTradeHistory ([code, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchLiquidations{docsify-ignore} watch the public liquidations of a trading pair **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an array of [liquidation structures](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#liquidation-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/websocket-market-streams/Liquidation-Order-Streams - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/websocket-market-streams/Liquidation-Order-Streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified CCXT market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch liquidations for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of liquidation structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters for the bitmex api endpoint | ```javascript binance.watchLiquidations (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchLiquidationsForSymbols{docsify-ignore} watch the public liquidations of a trading pair **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an array of [liquidation structures](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#liquidation-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/websocket-market-streams/All-Market-Liquidation-Order-Streams - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/websocket-market-streams/All-Market-Liquidation-Order-Streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified CCXT market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch liquidations for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of liquidation structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters for the bitmex api endpoint | ```javascript binance.watchLiquidationsForSymbols (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchMyLiquidations{docsify-ignore} watch the private liquidations of a trading pair **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an array of [liquidation structures](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#liquidation-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/user-data-streams/Event-Order-Update - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/user-data-streams/Event-Order-Update | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified CCXT market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch liquidations for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of liquidation structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters for the bitmex api endpoint | ```javascript binance.watchMyLiquidations (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchMyLiquidationsForSymbols{docsify-ignore} watch the private liquidations of a trading pair **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an array of [liquidation structures](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#liquidation-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/user-data-streams/Event-Order-Update - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/user-data-streams/Event-Order-Update | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified CCXT market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch liquidations for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of liquidation structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters for the bitmex api endpoint | ```javascript binance.watchMyLiquidationsForSymbols (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} watches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#diff-depth-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#diff-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#diff-book-depth-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.watchOrderBook (symbol[, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOrderBookForSymbols{docsify-ignore} watches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#diff-depth-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#diff-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#diff-book-depth-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified array of symbols | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.watchOrderBookForSymbols (symbols[, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchOrderBookForSymbols{docsify-ignore} unWatches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#diff-depth-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#diff-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#diff-book-depth-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified array of symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.unWatchOrderBookForSymbols (symbols[, params]) ``` ### unWatchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} unWatches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#diff-depth-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#diff-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#partial-book-depth-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#diff-book-depth-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified array of symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.unWatchOrderBook (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrderBookWs{docsify-ignore} fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#order-book - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/market-data/websocket-api/Order-Book | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchOrderBookWs (symbol[, limit, params]) ``` ### watchTradesForSymbols{docsify-ignore} get the list of most recent trades for a list of symbols **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#aggregate-trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#aggregate-trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#aggregate-trade-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of trades to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.name | string | No | the name of the method to call, 'trade' or 'aggTrade', default is 'trade' | ```javascript binance.watchTradesForSymbols (symbols[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchTradesForSymbols{docsify-ignore} unsubscribes from the trades channel **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#aggregate-trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#aggregate-trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#aggregate-trade-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.name | string | No | the name of the method to call, 'trade' or 'aggTrade', default is 'trade' | ```javascript binance.unWatchTradesForSymbols (symbols[, params]) ``` ### unWatchTrades{docsify-ignore} unsubscribes from the trades channel **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#aggregate-trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#aggregate-trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#aggregate-trade-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.name | string | No | the name of the method to call, 'trade' or 'aggTrade', default is 'trade' | ```javascript binance.unWatchTrades (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchTrades{docsify-ignore} get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#aggregate-trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#aggregate-trade-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#aggregate-trade-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of trades to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.name | string | No | the name of the method to call, 'trade' or 'aggTrade', default is 'trade' | ```javascript binance.watchTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOHLCV{docsify-ignore} watches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#kline-candlestick-data - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#kline-candlestick-data - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#kline-candlestick-data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for | | timeframe | string | Yes | the length of time each candle represents | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.timezone | object | No | if provided, kline intervals are interpreted in that timezone instead of UTC, example '+08:00' | ```javascript binance.watchOHLCV (symbol, timeframe[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOHLCVForSymbols{docsify-ignore} watches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#kline-candlestick-data - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#kline-candlestick-data - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#kline-candlestick-data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbolsAndTimeframes | Array<Array<string>> | Yes | array of arrays containing unified symbols and timeframes to fetch OHLCV data for, example [['BTC/USDT', '1m'], ['LTC/USDT', '5m']] | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.timezone | object | No | if provided, kline intervals are interpreted in that timezone instead of UTC, example '+08:00' | ```javascript binance.watchOHLCVForSymbols (symbolsAndTimeframes[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchOHLCVForSymbols{docsify-ignore} unWatches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#kline-candlestick-data - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#kline-candlestick-data - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#kline-candlestick-data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbolsAndTimeframes | Array<Array<string>> | Yes | array of arrays containing unified symbols and timeframes to fetch OHLCV data for, example [['BTC/USDT', '1m'], ['LTC/USDT', '5m']] | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.timezone | object | No | if provided, kline intervals are interpreted in that timezone instead of UTC, example '+08:00' | ```javascript binance.unWatchOHLCVForSymbols (symbolsAndTimeframes[, params]) ``` ### unWatchOHLCV{docsify-ignore} unWatches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#kline-candlestick-data - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#kline-candlestick-data - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#kline-candlestick-data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for | | timeframe | string | Yes | the length of time each candle represents | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.timezone | object | No | if provided, kline intervals are interpreted in that timezone instead of UTC, example '+08:00' | ```javascript binance.unWatchOHLCV (symbol, timeframe[, params]) ``` ### fetchTickerWs{docsify-ignore} fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.method | string | No | method to use can be ticker.price or ticker.book | | params.returnRateLimits | boolean | No | return the rate limits for the exchange | ```javascript binance.fetchTickerWs (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOHLCVWs{docsify-ignore} query historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#klines | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | unified symbol of the market to query OHLCV data for | | timeframe | string | the length of time each candle represents | | since | int | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS | | params.timeZone | string | default=0 (UTC) | ```javascript binance.fetchOHLCVWs (symbol, timeframe, since, limit, params[]) ``` ### watchTicker{docsify-ignore} watches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#individual-symbol-mini-ticker-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#all-market-mini-tickers-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#all-market-mini-tickers-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.name | string | No | stream to use can be ticker or miniTicker | ```javascript binance.watchTicker (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchTickers{docsify-ignore} watches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for all markets of a specific list **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#individual-symbol-mini-ticker-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#all-market-mini-tickers-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#all-market-mini-tickers-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.watchTickers (symbols[, params]) ``` ### unWatchTickers{docsify-ignore} unWatches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for all markets of a specific list **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#individual-symbol-mini-ticker-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#all-market-mini-tickers-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#all-market-mini-tickers-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.unWatchTickers (symbols[, params]) ``` ### unWatchTicker{docsify-ignore} unWatches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for all markets of a specific list **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#individual-symbol-mini-ticker-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#all-market-mini-tickers-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#all-market-mini-tickers-stream - https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/delivery/en/#individual-symbol-ticker-streams | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.unWatchTicker (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchBidsAsks{docsify-ignore} watches best bid & ask for symbols **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#symbol-order-book-ticker - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/websocket-market-streams/All-Book-Tickers-Stream - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/coin-margined-futures/websocket-market-streams/All-Book-Tickers-Stream | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.watchBidsAsks (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchBalanceWs{docsify-ignore} fetch balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [balance structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=balance-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/account/websocket-api/Futures-Account-Balance - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#account-information-user_data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string, undefined | No | 'future', 'delivery', 'savings', 'funding', or 'spot' | | params.marginMode | string, undefined | No | 'cross' or 'isolated', for margin trading, uses this.options.defaultMarginMode if not passed, defaults to undefined/None/null | | params.symbols | Array<string>, undefined | No | unified market symbols, only used in isolated margin mode | | params.method | string, undefined | No | method to use. Can be account.balance, account.status, v2/account.balance or v2/account.status | ```javascript binance.fetchBalanceWs ([params]) ``` ### fetchPositionWs{docsify-ignore} fetch data on an open position **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [position structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=position-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/websocket-api/Position-Information | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market the position is held in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchPositionWs (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchPositionsWs{docsify-ignore} fetch all open positions **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [position structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=position-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/websocket-api/Position-Information | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | No | list of unified market symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.returnRateLimits | boolean | No | set to true to return rate limit informations, defaults to false. | | params.method | string, undefined | No | method to use. Can be account.position or v2/account.position | ```javascript binance.fetchPositionsWs ([symbols, params]) ``` ### watchBalance{docsify-ignore} watch balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - a [balance structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=balance-structure) | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to watch the balance of a portfolio margin account | ```javascript binance.watchBalance ([params]) ``` ### createOrderWs{docsify-ignore} create a trade order **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#place-new-order-trade - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/websocket-api/New-Order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | 'market' or 'limit' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency | | price | float, undefined | No | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.test | boolean | Yes | test order, default false | | params.returnRateLimits | boolean | Yes | set to true to return rate limit information, default false | ```javascript binance.createOrderWs (symbol, type, side, amount[, price, params]) ``` ### editOrderWs{docsify-ignore} edit a trade order **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#cancel-and-replace-order-trade - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/websocket-api/Modify-Order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | 'market' or 'limit' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | how much of the currency you want to trade in units of the base currency | | price | float, undefined | No | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.editOrderWs (id, symbol, type, side, amount[, price, params]) ``` ### cancelOrderWs{docsify-ignore} cancel multiple orders **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - an list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#cancel-order-trade - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/websocket-api/Cancel-Order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol, default is undefined | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.cancelRestrictions | string, undefined | No | Supported values: ONLY_NEW - Cancel will succeed if the order status is NEW. ONLY_PARTIALLY_FILLED - Cancel will succeed if order status is PARTIALLY_FILLED. | ```javascript binance.cancelOrderWs (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### cancelAllOrdersWs{docsify-ignore} cancel all open orders in a market **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#cancel-open-orders-trade | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market to cancel orders in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.cancelAllOrdersWs (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrderWs{docsify-ignore} fetches information on an order made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: object - An [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#query-order-user_data - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/trade/websocket-api/Query-Order | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchOrderWs (symbol, params[]) ``` ### fetchOrdersWs{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#query-order-list-user_data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int, undefined | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int, undefined | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.orderId | int | No | order id to begin at | | params.startTime | int | No | earliest time in ms to retrieve orders for | | params.endTime | int | No | latest time in ms to retrieve orders for | | params.limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | ```javascript binance.fetchOrdersWs (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchClosedOrdersWs{docsify-ignore} fetch closed orders **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#query-order-list-user_data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of open orders structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchClosedOrdersWs (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenOrdersWs{docsify-ignore} fetch all unfilled currently open orders **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#current-open-orders-user_data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int, undefined | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for | | limit | int, undefined | No | the maximum number of open orders structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript binance.fetchOpenOrdersWs (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOrders{docsify-ignore} watches information on multiple orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/user-data-stream#order-update - https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading/trade-data-stream/Event-Order-Update - https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives/usds-margined-futures/user-data-streams/Event-Order-Update | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market the orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.marginMode | string, undefined | No | 'cross' or 'isolated', for spot margin | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to watch portfolio margin account orders | ```javascript binance.watchOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchPositions{docsify-ignore} watch all open positions **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [position structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/en/latest/manual.html#position-structure) | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | list of unified market symbols | | params | object | Yes | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to watch positions in a portfolio margin account | ```javascript binance.watchPositions (symbols, params[]) ``` ### fetchMyTradesWs{docsify-ignore} fetch all trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#account-trade-history-user_data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int, undefined | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int, undefined | No | the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.endTime | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch trades for | | params.fromId | int | No | first trade Id to fetch | ```javascript binance.fetchMyTradesWs (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchTradesWs{docsify-ignore} fetch all trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See**: https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs/web-socket-api#recent-trades | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve, default=500, max=1000 | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS | | params.fromId | int | No | trade ID to begin at | ```javascript binance.fetchTradesWs (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchMyTrades{docsify-ignore} watches information on multiple trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [binance](#binance) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.portfolioMargin | boolean | No | set to true if you would like to watch trades in a portfolio margin account | ```javascript binance.watchMyTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ```