## bybit{docsify-ignore} **Kind**: global class **Extends**: Exchange * [setSandboxMode](#setsandboxmode) * [enableDemoTrading](#enabledemotrading) * [isUnifiedEnabled](#isunifiedenabled) * [fetchTime](#fetchtime) * [fetchCurrencies](#fetchcurrencies) * [fetchMarkets](#fetchmarkets) * [fetchTicker](#fetchticker) * [fetchTickers](#fetchtickers) * [fetchOHLCV](#fetchohlcv) * [fetchFundingRates](#fetchfundingrates) * [fetchFundingRateHistory](#fetchfundingratehistory) * [fetchTrades](#fetchtrades) * [fetchOrderBook](#fetchorderbook) * [fetchBalance](#fetchbalance) * [createMarketBuyOrderWithCost](#createmarketbuyorderwithcost) * [createMarkeSellOrderWithCost](#createmarkesellorderwithcost) * [createOrder](#createorder) * [createOrders](#createorders) * [editOrder](#editorder) * [cancelOrder](#cancelorder) * [cancelOrders](#cancelorders) * [cancelAllOrdersAfter](#cancelallordersafter) * [cancelOrdersForSymbols](#cancelordersforsymbols) * [cancelAllOrders](#cancelallorders) * [fetchOrderClassic](#fetchorderclassic) * [fetchOrderClassic](#fetchorderclassic) * [fetchOrders](#fetchorders) * [fetchOrders](#fetchorders) * [fetchClosedOrder](#fetchclosedorder) * [fetchOpenOrder](#fetchopenorder) * [fetchCanceledAndClosedOrders](#fetchcanceledandclosedorders) * [fetchClosedOrders](#fetchclosedorders) * [fetchCanceledOrders](#fetchcanceledorders) * [fetchOpenOrders](#fetchopenorders) * [fetchOrderTrades](#fetchordertrades) * [fetchMyTrades](#fetchmytrades) * [fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork](#fetchdepositaddressesbynetwork) * [fetchDepositAddress](#fetchdepositaddress) * [fetchDeposits](#fetchdeposits) * [fetchWithdrawals](#fetchwithdrawals) * [fetchLedger](#fetchledger) * [withdraw](#withdraw) * [fetchPosition](#fetchposition) * [fetchPositions](#fetchpositions) * [fetchLeverage](#fetchleverage) * [setMarginMode](#setmarginmode) * [setLeverage](#setleverage) * [setPositionMode](#setpositionmode) * [fetchOpenInterest](#fetchopeninterest) * [fetchOpenInterestHistory](#fetchopeninteresthistory) * [fetchCrossBorrowRate](#fetchcrossborrowrate) * [fetchBorrowInterest](#fetchborrowinterest) * [transfer](#transfer) * [fetchTransfers](#fetchtransfers) * [borrowCrossMargin](#borrowcrossmargin) * [repayCrossMargin](#repaycrossmargin) * [fetchMarketLeverageTiers](#fetchmarketleveragetiers) * [fetchTradingFee](#fetchtradingfee) * [fetchTradingFees](#fetchtradingfees) * [fetchDepositWithdrawFees](#fetchdepositwithdrawfees) * [fetchSettlementHistory](#fetchsettlementhistory) * [fetchMySettlementHistory](#fetchmysettlementhistory) * [fetchVolatilityHistory](#fetchvolatilityhistory) * [fetchGreeks](#fetchgreeks) * [fetchMyLiquidations](#fetchmyliquidations) * [fetchLeverageTiers](#fetchleveragetiers) * [fetchFundingHistory](#fetchfundinghistory) * [fetchOption](#fetchoption) * [fetchOptionChain](#fetchoptionchain) * [fetchPositionsHistory](#fetchpositionshistory) * [createOrderWs](#createorderws) * [editOrderWs](#editorderws) * [cancelOrderWs](#cancelorderws) * [watchTicker](#watchticker) * [watchTickers](#watchtickers) * [unWatchTickers](#unwatchtickers) * [unWatchTicker](#unwatchticker) * [watchOHLCV](#watchohlcv) * [watchOHLCVForSymbols](#watchohlcvforsymbols) * [unWatchOHLCVForSymbols](#unwatchohlcvforsymbols) * [unWatchOHLCV](#unwatchohlcv) * [watchOrderBook](#watchorderbook) * [watchOrderBook](#watchorderbook) * [unWatchOrderBookForSymbols](#unwatchorderbookforsymbols) * [unWatchOrderBook](#unwatchorderbook) * [watchTrades](#watchtrades) * [watchTradesForSymbols](#watchtradesforsymbols) * [unWatchTradesForSymbols](#unwatchtradesforsymbols) * [unWatchTrades](#unwatchtrades) * [watchMyTrades](#watchmytrades) * [unWatchMyTrades](#unwatchmytrades) * [watchPositions](#watchpositions) * [watchLiquidations](#watchliquidations) * [watchOrders](#watchorders) * [unWatchOrders](#unwatchorders) * [watchBalance](#watchbalance) ### setSandboxMode{docsify-ignore} enables or disables sandbox mode **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | enable | boolean | No | true if demo trading should be enabled, false otherwise | ```javascript bybit.setSandboxMode ([enable]) ``` ### enableDemoTrading{docsify-ignore} enables or disables demo trading mode **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/demo | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | enable | boolean | No | true if demo trading should be enabled, false otherwise | ```javascript bybit.enableDemoTrading ([enable]) ``` ### isUnifiedEnabled{docsify-ignore} returns [enableUnifiedMargin, enableUnifiedAccount] so the user can check if unified account is enabled **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) ```javascript bybit.isUnifiedEnabled () ``` ### fetchTime{docsify-ignore} fetches the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: int - the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/time | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchTime ([params]) ``` ### fetchCurrencies{docsify-ignore} fetches all available currencies on an exchange **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an associative dictionary of currencies **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/coin-info | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchCurrencies ([params]) ``` ### fetchMarkets{docsify-ignore} retrieves data on all markets for bybit **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - an array of objects representing market data **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/instrument | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchMarkets ([params]) ``` ### fetchTicker{docsify-ignore} fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/tickers | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchTicker (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchTickers{docsify-ignore} fetches price tickers for multiple markets, statistical information calculated over the past 24 hours for each market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an array of [ticker structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/tickers | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbols of the markets to fetch the ticker for, all market tickers are returned if not assigned | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | *contract only* 'linear', 'inverse' | ```javascript bybit.fetchTickers (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchOHLCV{docsify-ignore} fetches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/kline - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/mark-kline - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/index-kline - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/preimum-index-kline | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for | | timeframe | string | Yes | the length of time each candle represents | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch orders for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchOHLCV (symbol, timeframe[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchFundingRates{docsify-ignore} fetches funding rates for multiple markets **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an array of [funding rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=funding-rate-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/tickers | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbols of the markets to fetch the funding rates for, all market funding rates are returned if not assigned | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchFundingRates (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchFundingRateHistory{docsify-ignore} fetches historical funding rate prices **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [funding rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=funding-rate-history-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/history-fund-rate | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the funding rate history for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest funding rate to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of [funding rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=funding-rate-history-structure) to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | timestamp in ms of the latest funding rate | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchFundingRateHistory (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchTrades{docsify-ignore} get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Trade> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/recent-trade | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of trades to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | ```javascript bybit.fetchTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/orderbook | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchOrderBook (symbol[, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchBalance{docsify-ignore} query for balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [balance structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=balance-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/spot-margin-normal/account-info - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/all-balance - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/account/wallet-balance | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string | No | wallet type, ['spot', 'swap', 'funding'] | ```javascript bybit.fetchBalance ([params]) ``` ### createMarketBuyOrderWithCost{docsify-ignore} create a market buy order by providing the symbol and cost **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/create-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | cost | float | Yes | how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.createMarketBuyOrderWithCost (symbol, cost[, params]) ``` ### createMarkeSellOrderWithCost{docsify-ignore} create a market sell order by providing the symbol and cost **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/create-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | cost | float | Yes | how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.createMarkeSellOrderWithCost (symbol, cost[, params]) ``` ### createOrder{docsify-ignore} create a trade order **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/create-order - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/position/trading-stop | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | 'market' or 'limit' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency | | price | float | No | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.timeInForce | string | No | "GTC", "IOC", "FOK" | | params.postOnly | bool | No | true or false whether the order is post-only | | params.reduceOnly | bool | No | true or false whether the order is reduce-only | | params.positionIdx | string | No | *contracts only* 0 for one-way mode, 1 buy side of hedged mode, 2 sell side of hedged mode | | params.isLeverage | boolean | No | *unified spot only* false then spot trading true then margin trading | | params.tpslMode | string | No | *contract only* 'full' or 'partial' | | params.mmp | string | No | *option only* market maker protection | | params.triggerDirection | string | No | *contract only* the direction for trigger orders, 'above' or 'below' | | params.triggerPrice | float | No | The price at which a trigger order is triggered at | | params.stopLossPrice | float | No | The price at which a stop loss order is triggered at | | params.takeProfitPrice | float | No | The price at which a take profit order is triggered at | | params.takeProfit | object | No | *takeProfit object in params* containing the triggerPrice at which the attached take profit order will be triggered | | params.takeProfit.triggerPrice | float | No | take profit trigger price | | params.stopLoss | object | No | *stopLoss object in params* containing the triggerPrice at which the attached stop loss order will be triggered | | params.stopLoss.triggerPrice | float | No | stop loss trigger price | | params.trailingAmount | string | No | the quote amount to trail away from the current market price | | params.trailingTriggerPrice | string | No | the price to trigger a trailing order, default uses the price argument | ```javascript bybit.createOrder (symbol, type, side, amount[, price, params]) ``` ### createOrders{docsify-ignore} create a list of trade orders **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/batch-place | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | orders | Array | list of orders to create, each object should contain the parameters required by createOrder, namely symbol, type, side, amount, price and params | ```javascript bybit.createOrders (orders, [undefined]) ``` ### editOrder{docsify-ignore} edit a trade order **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/amend-order - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/derivatives/unified/replace-order - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/api-explorer/derivatives/trade/contract/replace-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | cancel order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | 'market' or 'limit' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency | | price | float | Yes | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.triggerPrice | float | No | The price that a trigger order is triggered at | | params.stopLossPrice | float | No | The price that a stop loss order is triggered at | | params.takeProfitPrice | float | No | The price that a take profit order is triggered at | | params.takeProfit | object | No | *takeProfit object in params* containing the triggerPrice that the attached take profit order will be triggered | | params.takeProfit.triggerPrice | float | No | take profit trigger price | | params.stopLoss | object | No | *stopLoss object in params* containing the triggerPrice that the attached stop loss order will be triggered | | params.stopLoss.triggerPrice | float | No | stop loss trigger price | | params.triggerBy | string | No | 'IndexPrice', 'MarkPrice' or 'LastPrice', default is 'LastPrice', required if no initial value for triggerPrice | | params.slTriggerBy | string | No | 'IndexPrice', 'MarkPrice' or 'LastPrice', default is 'LastPrice', required if no initial value for stopLoss | | params.tpTriggerby | string | No | 'IndexPrice', 'MarkPrice' or 'LastPrice', default is 'LastPrice', required if no initial value for takeProfit | ```javascript bybit.editOrder (id, symbol, type, side, amount, price[, params]) ``` ### cancelOrder{docsify-ignore} cancels an open order **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - An [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/cancel-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | *spot only* whether the order is a stop order | | params.orderFilter | string | No | *spot only* 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | ```javascript bybit.cancelOrder (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### cancelOrders{docsify-ignore} cancel multiple orders **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/batch-cancel | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | ids | Array<string> | Yes | order ids | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.clientOrderIds | Array<string> | No | client order ids | ```javascript bybit.cancelOrders (ids, symbol[, params]) ``` ### cancelAllOrdersAfter{docsify-ignore} dead man's switch, cancel all orders after the given timeout **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - the api result **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/dcp | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | timeout | number | Yes | time in milliseconds | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.product | string | No | OPTIONS, DERIVATIVES, SPOT, default is 'DERIVATIVES' | ```javascript bybit.cancelAllOrdersAfter (timeout[, params]) ``` ### cancelOrdersForSymbols{docsify-ignore} cancel multiple orders for multiple symbols **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/batch-cancel | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | orders | Array<CancellationRequest> | Yes | list of order ids with symbol, example [{"id": "a", "symbol": "BTC/USDT"}, {"id": "b", "symbol": "ETH/USDT"}] | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.cancelOrdersForSymbols (orders[, params]) ``` ### cancelAllOrders{docsify-ignore} cancel all open orders **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/cancel-all | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol, only orders in the market of this symbol are cancelled when symbol is not undefined | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | true if stop order | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.baseCoin | string | No | Base coin. Supports linear, inverse & option | | params.settleCoin | string | No | Settle coin. Supports linear, inverse & option | ```javascript bybit.cancelAllOrders (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrderClassic{docsify-ignore} fetches information on an order made by the user *classic accounts only* **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - An [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/order-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | the order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchOrderClassic (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrderClassic{docsify-ignore} *classic accounts only/ spot not supported* fetches information on an order made by the user *classic accounts only* **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - An [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/order-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | the order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchOrderClassic (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrders{docsify-ignore} *classic accounts only/ spot not supported* fetches information on multiple orders made by the user *classic accounts only/ spot not supported* **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/order-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | true if stop order | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.orderFilter | string | No | 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOrders{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple orders made by the user *classic accounts only* **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/order-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | true if stop order | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.orderFilter | string | No | 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchClosedOrder{docsify-ignore} fetches information on a closed order made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/order-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | No | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true for fetching a closed stop order | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.orderFilter | string | No | 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | ```javascript bybit.fetchClosedOrder (id[, symbol, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenOrder{docsify-ignore} fetches information on an open order made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/open-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | No | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true for fetching an open stop order | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.baseCoin | string | No | Base coin. Supports linear, inverse & option | | params.settleCoin | string | No | Settle coin. Supports linear, inverse & option | | params.orderFilter | string | No | 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | ```javascript bybit.fetchOpenOrder (id[, symbol, params]) ``` ### fetchCanceledAndClosedOrders{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple canceled and closed orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/order-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | No | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true for fetching stop orders | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.orderFilter | string | No | 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchCanceledAndClosedOrders ([symbol, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchClosedOrders{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple closed orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/order-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | No | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true for fetching closed stop orders | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.orderFilter | string | No | 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchClosedOrders ([symbol, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchCanceledOrders{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple canceled orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/order-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | No | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest order, default is undefined | | limit | int | No | max number of orders to return, default is undefined | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | true if stop order | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.orderFilter | string | No | 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchCanceledOrders ([symbol, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenOrders{docsify-ignore} fetch all unfilled currently open orders **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/open-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of open orders structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | set to true for fetching open stop orders | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.baseCoin | string | No | Base coin. Supports linear, inverse & option | | params.settleCoin | string | No | Settle coin. Supports linear, inverse & option | | params.orderFilter | string | No | 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchOpenOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOrderTrades{docsify-ignore} fetch all the trades made from a single order **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/position/execution | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of trades to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchOrderTrades (id, symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchMyTrades{docsify-ignore} fetch all trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Trade> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/api-explorer/v5/position/execution | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchMyTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork{docsify-ignore} fetch a dictionary of addresses for a currency, indexed by network **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [address structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=address-structure) indexed by the network **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/master-deposit-addr | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency for the deposit address | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchDepositAddress{docsify-ignore} fetch the deposit address for a currency associated with this account **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [address structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=address-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/master-deposit-addr | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchDepositAddress (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchDeposits{docsify-ignore} fetch all deposits made to an account **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [transaction structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/deposit-record | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch deposits for, default = 30 days before the current time | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of deposits structures to retrieve, default = 50, max = 50 | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch deposits for, default = 30 days after since EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.cursor | string | No | used for pagination | ```javascript bybit.fetchDeposits (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchWithdrawals{docsify-ignore} fetch all withdrawals made from an account **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [transaction structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/withdraw-record | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch withdrawals for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of withdrawals structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchWithdrawals (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchLedger{docsify-ignore} fetch the history of changes, actions done by the user or operations that altered balance of the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [ledger structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ledger-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/account/transaction-log - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/account/contract-transaction-log | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code, default is undefined | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest ledger entry, default is undefined | | limit | int | No | max number of ledger entrys to return, default is undefined | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | | params.subType | string | No | if inverse will use v5/account/contract-transaction-log | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchLedger (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### withdraw{docsify-ignore} make a withdrawal **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [transaction structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/withdraw | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to withdraw | | address | string | Yes | the address to withdraw to | | tag | string | Yes | | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.withdraw (code, amount, address, tag[, params]) ``` ### fetchPosition{docsify-ignore} fetch data on a single open contract trade position **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [position structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=position-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/position | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market the position is held in, default is undefined | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchPosition (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchPositions{docsify-ignore} fetch all open positions **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [position structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=position-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/position | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | list of unified market symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.baseCoin | string | No | Base coin. Supports linear, inverse & option | | params.settleCoin | string | No | Settle coin. Supports linear, inverse & option | ```javascript bybit.fetchPositions (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchLeverage{docsify-ignore} fetch the set leverage for a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [leverage structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=leverage-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/position | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchLeverage (symbol[, params]) ``` ### setMarginMode{docsify-ignore} set margin mode (account) or trade mode (symbol) **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - response from the exchange **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/account/set-margin-mode - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/position/cross-isolate | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | marginMode | string | Yes | account mode must be either [isolated, cross, portfolio], trade mode must be either [isolated, cross] | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market the position is held in, default is undefined | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.leverage | string | No | the rate of leverage, is required if setting trade mode (symbol) | ```javascript bybit.setMarginMode (marginMode, symbol[, params]) ``` ### setLeverage{docsify-ignore} set the level of leverage for a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - response from the exchange **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/position/leverage | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | leverage | float | Yes | the rate of leverage | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.buyLeverage | string | No | leverage for buy side | | params.sellLeverage | string | No | leverage for sell side | ```javascript bybit.setLeverage (leverage, symbol[, params]) ``` ### setPositionMode{docsify-ignore} set hedged to true or false for a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - response from the exchange **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/position/position-mode | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | hedged | bool | Yes | | | symbol | string | Yes | used for unified account with inverse market | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.setPositionMode (hedged, symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenInterest{docsify-ignore} Retrieves the open interest of a derivative trading pair **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an open interest structure[https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=open-interest-structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=open-interest-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/open-interest | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | Unified CCXT market symbol | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters | | params.interval | string | No | 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 4h, 1d | | params.category | string | No | "linear" or "inverse" | ```javascript bybit.fetchOpenInterest (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenInterestHistory{docsify-ignore} Gets the total amount of unsettled contracts. In other words, the total number of contracts held in open positions **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: An array of open interest structures **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/open-interest | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | Unified market symbol | | timeframe | string | Yes | "5m", 15m, 30m, 1h, 4h, 1d | | since | int | No | Not used by Bybit | | limit | int | No | The number of open interest structures to return. Max 200, default 50 | | params | object | No | Exchange specific parameters | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchOpenInterestHistory (symbol, timeframe[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchCrossBorrowRate{docsify-ignore} fetch the rate of interest to borrow a currency for margin trading **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [borrow rate structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-rate-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/zh-TW/v5/spot-margin-normal/interest-quota | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchCrossBorrowRate (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchBorrowInterest{docsify-ignore} fetch the interest owed by the user for borrowing currency for margin trading **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [borrow interest structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-interest-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/zh-TW/v5/spot-margin-normal/account-info | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol when fetch interest in isolated markets | | since | number | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch borrrow interest for | | limit | number | No | the maximum number of structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchBorrowInterest (code, symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### transfer{docsify-ignore} transfer currency internally between wallets on the same account **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [transfer structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transfer-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/create-inter-transfer | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | amount | float | Yes | amount to transfer | | fromAccount | string | Yes | account to transfer from | | toAccount | string | Yes | account to transfer to | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.transferId | string | No | UUID, which is unique across the platform | ```javascript bybit.transfer (code, amount, fromAccount, toAccount[, params]) ``` ### fetchTransfers{docsify-ignore} fetch a history of internal transfers made on an account **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [transfer structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transfer-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/inter-transfer-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency transferred | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch transfers for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of transfer structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchTransfers (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### borrowCrossMargin{docsify-ignore} create a loan to borrow margin **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/spot-margin-normal/borrow | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to borrow | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to borrow | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.borrowCrossMargin (code, amount[, params]) ``` ### repayCrossMargin{docsify-ignore} repay borrowed margin and interest **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/spot-margin-normal/repay | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to repay | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to repay | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.repayCrossMargin (code, amount[, params]) ``` ### fetchMarketLeverageTiers{docsify-ignore} retrieve information on the maximum leverage, and maintenance margin for trades of varying trade sizes for a single market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [leverage tiers structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=leverage-tiers-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/risk-limit | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchMarketLeverageTiers (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchTradingFee{docsify-ignore} fetch the trading fees for a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [fee structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/account/fee-rate | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchTradingFee (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchTradingFees{docsify-ignore} fetch the trading fees for multiple markets **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [fee structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) indexed by market symbols **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/account/fee-rate | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | ```javascript bybit.fetchTradingFees ([params]) ``` ### fetchDepositWithdrawFees{docsify-ignore} fetch deposit and withdraw fees **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a list of [fee structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/coin-info | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | codes | Array<string> | Yes | list of unified currency codes | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchDepositWithdrawFees (codes[, params]) ``` ### fetchSettlementHistory{docsify-ignore} fetches historical settlement records **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [settlement history objects] **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/delivery-price | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the settlement history | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms | | limit | int | No | number of records | | params | object | No | exchange specific params | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | ```javascript bybit.fetchSettlementHistory (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchMySettlementHistory{docsify-ignore} fetches historical settlement records of the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [settlement history objects] **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/asset/delivery | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the settlement history | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms | | limit | int | No | number of records | | params | object | No | exchange specific params | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | ```javascript bybit.fetchMySettlementHistory (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchVolatilityHistory{docsify-ignore} fetch the historical volatility of an option market based on an underlying asset **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [volatility history objects](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=volatility-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/iv | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.period | int | No | the period in days to fetch the volatility for: 7,14,21,30,60,90,180,270 | ```javascript bybit.fetchVolatilityHistory (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchGreeks{docsify-ignore} fetches an option contracts greeks, financial metrics used to measure the factors that affect the price of an options contract **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [greeks structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=greeks-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/api-explorer/v5/market/tickers | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch greeks for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchGreeks (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchMyLiquidations{docsify-ignore} retrieves the users liquidated positions **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an array of [liquidation structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=liquidation-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/api-explorer/v5/position/execution | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | No | unified CCXT market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch liquidations for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of liquidation structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters for the exchange API endpoint | | params.type | string | No | market type, ['swap', 'option', 'spot'] | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'] | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchMyLiquidations ([symbol, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchLeverageTiers{docsify-ignore} retrieve information on the maximum leverage, for different trade sizes **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [leverage tiers structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=leverage-tiers-structure), indexed by market symbols **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/risk-limit | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | No | a list of unified market symbols | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.subType | string | No | market subType, ['linear', 'inverse'], default is 'linear' | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchLeverageTiers ([symbols, params]) ``` ### fetchFundingHistory{docsify-ignore} fetch the history of funding payments paid and received on this account **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [funding history structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=funding-history-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/api-explorer/v5/position/execution | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | No | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch funding history for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of funding history structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [available parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript bybit.fetchFundingHistory ([symbol, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOption{docsify-ignore} fetches option data that is commonly found in an option chain **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [option chain structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=option-chain-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/tickers | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchOption (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOptionChain{docsify-ignore} fetches data for an underlying asset that is commonly found in an option chain **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a list of [option chain structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=option-chain-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/tickers | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | currency | string | Yes | base currency to fetch an option chain for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.fetchOptionChain (currency[, params]) ``` ### fetchPositionsHistory{docsify-ignore} fetches historical positions **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [position structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=position-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/position/close-pnl | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | No | unified market symbols, symbols must have the same subType (must all be linear or all be inverse) | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest position to fetch, params["until"] - since <= 7 days | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of records to fetch, default=50, max=100 | | params | object | Yes | extra parameters specific to the exchange api endpoint | | params.until | int | No | timestamp in ms of the latest position to fetch, params["until"] - since <= 7 days | | params.subType | string | No | 'linear' or 'inverse' | ```javascript bybit.fetchPositionsHistory ([symbol, since, limit, params]) ``` ### createOrderWs{docsify-ignore} create a trade order **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/create-order - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/trade/guideline#createamendcancel-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | 'market' or 'limit' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency | | price | float | No | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.timeInForce | string | No | "GTC", "IOC", "FOK" | | params.postOnly | bool | No | true or false whether the order is post-only | | params.reduceOnly | bool | No | true or false whether the order is reduce-only | | params.positionIdx | string | No | *contracts only* 0 for one-way mode, 1 buy side of hedged mode, 2 sell side of hedged mode | | params.isLeverage | boolean | No | *unified spot only* false then spot trading true then margin trading | | params.tpslMode | string | No | *contract only* 'full' or 'partial' | | params.mmp | string | No | *option only* market maker protection | | params.triggerDirection | string | No | *contract only* the direction for trigger orders, 'above' or 'below' | | params.triggerPrice | float | No | The price at which a trigger order is triggered at | | params.stopLossPrice | float | No | The price at which a stop loss order is triggered at | | params.takeProfitPrice | float | No | The price at which a take profit order is triggered at | | params.takeProfit | object | No | *takeProfit object in params* containing the triggerPrice at which the attached take profit order will be triggered | | params.takeProfit.triggerPrice | float | No | take profit trigger price | | params.stopLoss | object | No | *stopLoss object in params* containing the triggerPrice at which the attached stop loss order will be triggered | | params.stopLoss.triggerPrice | float | No | stop loss trigger price | | params.trailingAmount | string | No | the quote amount to trail away from the current market price | | params.trailingTriggerPrice | string | No | the price to trigger a trailing order, default uses the price argument | ```javascript bybit.createOrderWs (symbol, type, side, amount[, price, params]) ``` ### editOrderWs{docsify-ignore} edit a trade order **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/amend-order - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/trade/guideline#createamendcancel-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | cancel order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | 'market' or 'limit' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency | | price | float | Yes | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.triggerPrice | float | No | The price that a trigger order is triggered at | | params.stopLossPrice | float | No | The price that a stop loss order is triggered at | | params.takeProfitPrice | float | No | The price that a take profit order is triggered at | | params.takeProfit | object | No | *takeProfit object in params* containing the triggerPrice that the attached take profit order will be triggered | | params.takeProfit.triggerPrice | float | No | take profit trigger price | | params.stopLoss | object | No | *stopLoss object in params* containing the triggerPrice that the attached stop loss order will be triggered | | params.stopLoss.triggerPrice | float | No | stop loss trigger price | | params.triggerBy | string | No | 'IndexPrice', 'MarkPrice' or 'LastPrice', default is 'LastPrice', required if no initial value for triggerPrice | | params.slTriggerBy | string | No | 'IndexPrice', 'MarkPrice' or 'LastPrice', default is 'LastPrice', required if no initial value for stopLoss | | params.tpTriggerby | string | No | 'IndexPrice', 'MarkPrice' or 'LastPrice', default is 'LastPrice', required if no initial value for takeProfit | ```javascript bybit.editOrderWs (id, symbol, type, side, amount, price[, params]) ``` ### cancelOrderWs{docsify-ignore} cancels an open order **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - An [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/order/cancel-order - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/trade/guideline#createamendcancel-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | *spot only* whether the order is a stop order | | params.orderFilter | string | No | *spot only* 'Order' or 'StopOrder' or 'tpslOrder' | ```javascript bybit.cancelOrderWs (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchTicker{docsify-ignore} watches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/ticker - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/etp-ticker | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchTicker (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchTickers{docsify-ignore} watches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for all markets of a specific list **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/ticker - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/etp-ticker | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchTickers (symbols[, params]) ``` ### unWatchTickers{docsify-ignore} unWatches a price ticker **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/ticker - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/etp-ticker | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.unWatchTickers (symbols[, params]) ``` ### unWatchTicker{docsify-ignore} unWatches a price ticker **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/ticker - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/etp-ticker | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.unWatchTicker (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchOHLCV{docsify-ignore} watches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/kline - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/etp-kline | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for | | timeframe | string | Yes | the length of time each candle represents | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchOHLCV (symbol, timeframe[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOHLCVForSymbols{docsify-ignore} watches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/kline - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/etp-kline | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbolsAndTimeframes | Array<Array<string>> | Yes | array of arrays containing unified symbols and timeframes to fetch OHLCV data for, example [['BTC/USDT', '1m'], ['LTC/USDT', '5m']] | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchOHLCVForSymbols (symbolsAndTimeframes[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchOHLCVForSymbols{docsify-ignore} unWatches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/kline - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/etp-kline | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbolsAndTimeframes | Array<Array<string>> | Yes | array of arrays containing unified symbols and timeframes to fetch OHLCV data for, example [['BTC/USDT', '1m'], ['LTC/USDT', '5m']] | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.unWatchOHLCVForSymbols (symbolsAndTimeframes[, params]) ``` ### unWatchOHLCV{docsify-ignore} unWatches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See** - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/kline - https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/etp-kline | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for | | timeframe | string | Yes | the length of time each candle represents | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.unWatchOHLCV (symbol, timeframe[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} watches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/orderbook | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return. | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchOrderBook (symbol[, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} watches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/orderbook | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified array of symbols | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return. | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchOrderBook (symbols[, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchOrderBookForSymbols{docsify-ignore} unsubscribe from the orderbook channel **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/orderbook | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to unwatch the trades for | | params.limit | int | No | orderbook limit, default is undefined | ```javascript bybit.unWatchOrderBookForSymbols (symbols, [undefined]) ``` ### unWatchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} unsubscribe from the orderbook channel **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/orderbook | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to unwatch the trades for | | params.limit | int | No | orderbook limit, default is undefined | ```javascript bybit.unWatchOrderBook (symbols, [undefined]) ``` ### watchTrades{docsify-ignore} watches information on multiple trades made in a market **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/trade | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market trades were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of trade structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchTradesForSymbols{docsify-ignore} get the list of most recent trades for a list of symbols **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/trade | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of trades to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchTradesForSymbols (symbols[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchTradesForSymbols{docsify-ignore} unsubscribe from the trades channel **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: any - status of the unwatch request **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/trade | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | unified symbol of the market to unwatch the trades for | ```javascript bybit.unWatchTradesForSymbols (symbols, [undefined]) ``` ### unWatchTrades{docsify-ignore} unsubscribe from the trades channel **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: any - status of the unwatch request **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/trade | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | unified symbol of the market to unwatch the trades for | ```javascript bybit.unWatchTrades (symbol, [undefined]) ``` ### watchMyTrades{docsify-ignore} watches information on multiple trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/private/execution | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.unifiedMargin | boolean | No | use unified margin account | ```javascript bybit.watchMyTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchMyTrades{docsify-ignore} unWatches information on multiple trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/private/execution | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.unifiedMargin | boolean | No | use unified margin account | ```javascript bybit.unWatchMyTrades (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchPositions{docsify-ignore} watch all open positions **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [position structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/en/latest/manual.html#position-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/private/position | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | No | list of unified market symbols | | params | object | Yes | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchPositions ([symbols, params]) ``` ### watchLiquidations{docsify-ignore} watch the public liquidations of a trading pair **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - an array of [liquidation structures](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#liquidation-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/public/liquidation | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified CCXT market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch liquidations for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of liquidation structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters for the bitmex api endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchLiquidations (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOrders{docsify-ignore} watches information on multiple orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/private/order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchOrders{docsify-ignore} unWatches information on multiple orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/private/order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.unifiedMargin | boolean | No | use unified margin account | ```javascript bybit.unWatchOrders (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchBalance{docsify-ignore} watch balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders **Kind**: instance method of [bybit](#bybit) **Returns**: object - a [balance structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=balance-structure) **See**: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/websocket/private/wallet | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript bybit.watchBalance ([params]) ```