## kucoin{docsify-ignore} **Kind**: global class **Extends**: Exchange * [fetchTime](#fetchtime) * [fetchStatus](#fetchstatus) * [fetchMarkets](#fetchmarkets) * [fetchCurrencies](#fetchcurrencies) * [fetchAccounts](#fetchaccounts) * [fetchTransactionFee](#fetchtransactionfee) * [fetchDepositWithdrawFee](#fetchdepositwithdrawfee) * [fetchTickers](#fetchtickers) * [fetchTicker](#fetchticker) * [fetchOHLCV](#fetchohlcv) * [createDepositAddress](#createdepositaddress) * [fetchDepositAddress](#fetchdepositaddress) * [fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork](#fetchdepositaddressesbynetwork) * [fetchOrderBook](#fetchorderbook) * [createOrder](#createorder) * [createMarketOrderWithCost](#createmarketorderwithcost) * [createMarketBuyOrderWithCost](#createmarketbuyorderwithcost) * [createMarketSellOrderWithCost](#createmarketsellorderwithcost) * [createOrders](#createorders) * [editOrder](#editorder) * [cancelOrder](#cancelorder) * [cancelAllOrders](#cancelallorders) * [fetchOrdersByStatus](#fetchordersbystatus) * [fetchClosedOrders](#fetchclosedorders) * [fetchOpenOrders](#fetchopenorders) * [fetchOrder](#fetchorder) * [fetchOrderTrades](#fetchordertrades) * [fetchMyTrades](#fetchmytrades) * [fetchTrades](#fetchtrades) * [fetchTradingFee](#fetchtradingfee) * [withdraw](#withdraw) * [fetchDeposits](#fetchdeposits) * [fetchWithdrawals](#fetchwithdrawals) * [fetchBalance](#fetchbalance) * [transfer](#transfer) * [fetchLedger](#fetchledger) * [fetchBorrowInterest](#fetchborrowinterest) * [fetchBorrowRateHistories](#fetchborrowratehistories) * [fetchBorrowRateHistory](#fetchborrowratehistory) * [borrowCrossMargin](#borrowcrossmargin) * [borrowIsolatedMargin](#borrowisolatedmargin) * [repayCrossMargin](#repaycrossmargin) * [repayIsolatedMargin](#repayisolatedmargin) * [fetchDepositWithdrawFees](#fetchdepositwithdrawfees) * [setLeverage](#setleverage) * [watchTicker](#watchticker) * [watchTickers](#watchtickers) * [watchBidsAsks](#watchbidsasks) * [watchOHLCV](#watchohlcv) * [watchTrades](#watchtrades) * [watchTrades](#watchtrades) * [unWatchTradesForSymbols](#unwatchtradesforsymbols) * [unWatchTrades](#unwatchtrades) * [watchOrderBook](#watchorderbook) * [unWatchOrderBook](#unwatchorderbook) * [watchOrderBookForSymbols](#watchorderbookforsymbols) * [unWatchOrderBookForSymbols](#unwatchorderbookforsymbols) * [watchOrders](#watchorders) * [watchMyTrades](#watchmytrades) * [watchBalance](#watchbalance) ### fetchTime{docsify-ignore} fetches the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: int - the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#server-time | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchTime ([params]) ``` ### fetchStatus{docsify-ignore} the latest known information on the availability of the exchange API **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [status structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=exchange-status-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#service-status | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchStatus ([params]) ``` ### fetchMarkets{docsify-ignore} retrieves data on all markets for kucoin **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - an array of objects representing market data **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-symbols-list-deprecated - https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-all-tickers | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchMarkets ([params]) ``` ### fetchCurrencies{docsify-ignore} fetches all available currencies on an exchange **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an associative dictionary of currencies **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-currencies | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchCurrencies (params, [undefined]) ``` ### fetchAccounts{docsify-ignore} fetch all the accounts associated with a profile **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [account structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=account-structure) indexed by the account type **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#list-accounts | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchAccounts ([params]) ``` ### fetchTransactionFee{docsify-ignore} *DEPRECATED* please use fetchDepositWithdrawFee instead **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [fee structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-withdrawal-quotas | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | unified currency code | | params | object | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchTransactionFee (code, params[]) ``` ### fetchDepositWithdrawFee{docsify-ignore} fetch the fee for deposits and withdrawals **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [fee structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-withdrawal-quotas | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.network | string | No | The chain of currency. This only apply for multi-chain currency, and there is no need for single chain currency; you can query the chain through the response of the GET /api/v2/currencies/{currency} interface | ```javascript kucoin.fetchDepositWithdrawFee (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchTickers{docsify-ignore} fetches price tickers for multiple markets, statistical information calculated over the past 24 hours for each market **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [ticker structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-all-tickers | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | unified symbols of the markets to fetch the ticker for, all market tickers are returned if not assigned | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchTickers (symbols[, params]) ``` ### fetchTicker{docsify-ignore} fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-24hr-stats | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchTicker (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOHLCV{docsify-ignore} fetches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-klines | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for | | timeframe | string | Yes | the length of time each candle represents | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript kucoin.fetchOHLCV (symbol, timeframe[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### createDepositAddress{docsify-ignore} create a currency deposit address **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an [address structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=address-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#create-deposit-address | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency for the deposit address | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.network | string | No | the blockchain network name | ```javascript kucoin.createDepositAddress (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchDepositAddress{docsify-ignore} fetch the deposit address for a currency associated with this account **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an [address structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=address-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-deposit-addresses-v2 | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.network | string | No | the blockchain network name | ```javascript kucoin.fetchDepositAddress (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork{docsify-ignore} fetch the deposit address for a currency associated with this account **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an array of [address structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=address-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-deposit-addresses-v2 | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork (code[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/market-data/get-part-order-book-aggregated- - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/market-data/get-full-order-book-aggregated- | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchOrderBook (symbol[, limit, params]) ``` ### createOrder{docsify-ignore} Create an order on the exchange **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#place-a-new-order - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#place-a-new-order-2 - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#place-a-margin-order - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#place-hf-order - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/orders/place-order-test - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/margin-trading/orders/place-margin-order-test - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/spot-hf-trade-pro-account/sync-place-hf-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | Unified CCXT market symbol | | type | string | Yes | 'limit' or 'market' | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | amount | float | Yes | the amount of currency to trade | | price | float | No | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.triggerPrice | float | No | The price at which a trigger order is triggered at | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross', // cross (cross mode) and isolated (isolated mode), set to cross by default, the isolated mode will be released soon, stay tuned | | params.timeInForce | string | No | GTC, GTT, IOC, or FOK, default is GTC, limit orders only | | params.postOnly | string | No | Post only flag, invalid when timeInForce is IOC or FOK EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS | | params.clientOid | string | No | client order id, defaults to uuid if not passed | | params.remark | string | No | remark for the order, length cannot exceed 100 utf8 characters | | params.tradeType | string | No | 'TRADE', // TRADE, MARGIN_TRADE // not used with margin orders limit orders --------------------------------------------------- | | params.cancelAfter | float | No | long, // cancel after n seconds, requires timeInForce to be GTT | | params.hidden | bool | No | false, // Order will not be displayed in the order book | | params.iceberg | bool | No | false, // Only a portion of the order is displayed in the order book | | params.visibleSize | string | No | this.amountToPrecision (symbol, visibleSize), // The maximum visible size of an iceberg order market orders -------------------------------------------------- | | params.funds | string | No | // Amount of quote currency to use stop orders ---------------------------------------------------- | | params.stop | string | No | Either loss or entry, the default is loss. Requires stopPrice to be defined margin orders -------------------------------------------------- | | params.leverage | float | No | Leverage size of the order | | params.stp | string | No | '', // self trade prevention, CN, CO, CB or DC | | params.autoBorrow | bool | No | false, // The system will first borrow you funds at the optimal interest rate and then place an order for you | | params.hf | bool | No | false, // true for hf order | | params.test | bool | No | set to true to test an order, no order will be created but the request will be validated | | params.sync | bool | No | set to true to use the hf sync call | ```javascript kucoin.createOrder (symbol, type, side, amount[, price, params]) ``` ### createMarketOrderWithCost{docsify-ignore} create a market order by providing the symbol, side and cost **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/orders/place-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | side | string | Yes | 'buy' or 'sell' | | cost | float | Yes | how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.createMarketOrderWithCost (symbol, side, cost[, params]) ``` ### createMarketBuyOrderWithCost{docsify-ignore} create a market buy order by providing the symbol and cost **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/orders/place-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | cost | float | Yes | how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.createMarketBuyOrderWithCost (symbol, cost[, params]) ``` ### createMarketSellOrderWithCost{docsify-ignore} create a market sell order by providing the symbol and cost **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/orders/place-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | cost | float | Yes | how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.createMarketSellOrderWithCost (symbol, cost[, params]) ``` ### createOrders{docsify-ignore} create a list of trade orders **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/orders/place-multiple-orders - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/spot-hf-trade-pro-account/place-multiple-hf-orders - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/spot-hf-trade-pro-account/sync-place-multiple-hf-orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | orders | Array | Yes | list of orders to create, each object should contain the parameters required by createOrder, namely symbol, type, side, amount, price and params | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.hf | bool | No | false, // true for hf orders | | params.sync | bool | No | false, // true to use the hf sync call | ```javascript kucoin.createOrders (orders[, params]) ``` ### editOrder{docsify-ignore} edit an order, kucoin currently only supports the modification of HF orders **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - an [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#modify-order | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to create an order in | | type | string | Yes | not used | | side | string | Yes | not used | | amount | float | Yes | how much of the currency you want to trade in units of the base currency | | price | float | No | the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.clientOrderId | string | No | client order id, defaults to id if not passed | ```javascript kucoin.editOrder (id, symbol, type, side, amount[, price, params]) ``` ### cancelOrder{docsify-ignore} cancels an open order **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Response from the exchange **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#cancel-an-order - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#cancel-an-order-2 - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#cancel-single-order-by-clientoid - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#cancel-single-order-by-clientoid-2 - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#cancel-orders-by-orderid - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#cancel-order-by-clientoid - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/spot-hf-trade-pro-account/sync-cancel-hf-order-by-orderid - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/spot-hf-trade-pro-account/sync-cancel-hf-order-by-clientoid | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market the order was made in | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | bool | No | True if cancelling a stop order | | params.hf | bool | No | false, // true for hf order | | params.sync | bool | No | false, // true to use the hf sync call | ```javascript kucoin.cancelOrder (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### cancelAllOrders{docsify-ignore} cancel all open orders **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Response from the exchange **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#cancel-all-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#cancel-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#cancel-all-hf-orders-by-symbol | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol, only orders in the market of this symbol are cancelled when symbol is not undefined | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | bool | No | *invalid for isolated margin* true if cancelling all stop orders | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated' | | params.orderIds | string | No | *stop orders only* Comma seperated order IDs | | params.stop | bool | No | True if cancelling a stop order | | params.hf | bool | No | false, // true for hf order | ```javascript kucoin.cancelAllOrders (symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrdersByStatus{docsify-ignore} fetch a list of orders **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: An [array of order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#list-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#list-stop-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#obtain-list-of-active-hf-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#obtain-list-of-filled-hf-orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | status | string | Yes | *not used for stop orders* 'open' or 'closed' | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest order | | limit | int | No | max number of orders to return | | params | object | No | exchange specific params | | params.until | int | No | end time in ms | | params.stop | bool | No | true if fetching stop orders | | params.side | string | No | buy or sell | | params.type | string | No | limit, market, limit_stop or market_stop | | params.tradeType | string | No | TRADE for spot trading, MARGIN_TRADE for Margin Trading | | params.currentPage | int | No | *stop orders only* current page | | params.orderIds | string | No | *stop orders only* comma seperated order ID list | | params.stop | bool | No | True if fetching a stop order | | params.hf | bool | No | false, // true for hf order | ```javascript kucoin.fetchOrdersByStatus (status, symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchClosedOrders{docsify-ignore} fetches information on multiple closed orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#list-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#list-stop-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#obtain-list-of-active-hf-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#obtain-list-of-filled-hf-orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | end time in ms | | params.side | string | No | buy or sell | | params.type | string | No | limit, market, limit_stop or market_stop | | params.tradeType | string | No | TRADE for spot trading, MARGIN_TRADE for Margin Trading | | params.stop | bool | No | True if fetching a stop order | | params.hf | bool | No | false, // true for hf order | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript kucoin.fetchClosedOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOpenOrders{docsify-ignore} fetch all unfilled currently open orders **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<Order> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#list-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#list-stop-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#obtain-list-of-active-hf-orders - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#obtain-list-of-filled-hf-orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of open orders structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | end time in ms | | params.stop | bool | No | true if fetching stop orders | | params.side | string | No | buy or sell | | params.type | string | No | limit, market, limit_stop or market_stop | | params.tradeType | string | No | TRADE for spot trading, MARGIN_TRADE for Margin Trading | | params.currentPage | int | No | *stop orders only* current page | | params.orderIds | string | No | *stop orders only* comma seperated order ID list | | params.stop | bool | No | True if fetching a stop order | | params.hf | bool | No | false, // true for hf order | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript kucoin.fetchOpenOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchOrder{docsify-ignore} fetch an order **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: An [order structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#get-an-order - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#get-single-active-order-by-clientoid - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#get-single-order-info - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot#get-single-order-by-clientoid - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#details-of-a-single-hf-order - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#obtain-details-of-a-single-hf-order-using-clientoid | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | Order id | | symbol | string | Yes | not sent to exchange except for stop orders with clientOid, but used internally by CCXT to filter | | params | object | No | exchange specific parameters | | params.stop | bool | No | true if fetching a stop order | | params.hf | bool | No | false, // true for hf order | | params.clientOid | bool | No | unique order id created by users to identify their orders | ```javascript kucoin.fetchOrder (id, symbol[, params]) ``` ### fetchOrderTrades{docsify-ignore} fetch all the trades made from a single order **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/#list-fills - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#transaction-details | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Yes | order id | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of trades to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchOrderTrades (id, symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchMyTrades{docsify-ignore} fetch all trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<Trade> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/#list-fills - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#transaction-details | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.hf | bool | No | false, // true for hf order | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript kucoin.fetchMyTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchTrades{docsify-ignore} get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<Trade> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/spot-trading/market-data/get-trade-histories | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of trades to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchTradingFee{docsify-ignore} fetch the trading fees for a market **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [fee structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/funding/trade-fee/trading-pair-actual-fee-spot-margin-trade_hf | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchTradingFee (symbol[, params]) ``` ### withdraw{docsify-ignore} make a withdrawal **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [transaction structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/funding/withdrawals/apply-withdraw | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to withdraw | | address | string | Yes | the address to withdraw to | | tag | string | Yes | | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.withdraw (code, amount, address, tag[, params]) ``` ### fetchDeposits{docsify-ignore} fetch all deposits made to an account **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [transaction structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure) **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/funding/deposit/get-deposit-list - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/funding/deposit/get-v1-historical-deposits-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch deposits for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of deposits structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript kucoin.fetchDeposits (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchWithdrawals{docsify-ignore} fetch all withdrawals made from an account **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [transaction structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure) **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/funding/withdrawals/get-withdrawals-list - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/funding/withdrawals/get-v1-historical-withdrawals-list | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch withdrawals for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of withdrawals structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript kucoin.fetchWithdrawals (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchBalance{docsify-ignore} query for balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [balance structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=balance-structure) **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/account/basic-info/get-account-list-spot-margin-trade_hf - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/funding/funding-overview/get-account-detail-margin - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/funding/funding-overview/get-account-detail-isolated-margin | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.marginMode | object | No | 'cross' or 'isolated', margin type for fetching margin balance | | params.type | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.hf | object | No | *default if false* if true, the result includes the balance of the high frequency account | ```javascript kucoin.fetchBalance ([params]) ``` ### transfer{docsify-ignore} transfer currency internally between wallets on the same account **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [transfer structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transfer-structure) **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/funding/transfer/inner-transfer - https://docs.kucoin.com/futures/#transfer-funds-to-kucoin-main-account-2 - https://docs.kucoin.com/spot-hf/#internal-funds-transfers-in-high-frequency-trading-accounts | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | amount | float | Yes | amount to transfer | | fromAccount | string | Yes | account to transfer from | | toAccount | string | Yes | account to transfer to | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.transfer (code, amount, fromAccount, toAccount[, params]) ``` ### fetchLedger{docsify-ignore} fetch the history of changes, actions done by the user or operations that altered balance of the user **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [ledger structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ledger-structure) **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/account/basic-info/get-account-ledgers-spot-margin - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/account/basic-info/get-account-ledgers-trade_hf - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/account/basic-info/get-account-ledgers-margin_hf | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code, default is undefined | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest ledger entry, default is undefined | | limit | int | No | max number of ledger entrys to return, default is undefined | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.hf | boolean | No | default false, when true will fetch ledger entries for the high frequency trading account | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | | params.paginate | boolean | No | default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#pagination-params) | ```javascript kucoin.fetchLedger (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchBorrowInterest{docsify-ignore} fetch the interest owed by the user for borrowing currency for margin trading **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [borrow interest structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-interest-structure) **See** - https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-repay-record - https://docs.kucoin.com/#query-isolated-margin-account-info | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol, required for isolated margin | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch borrrow interest for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated' default is 'cross' | ```javascript kucoin.fetchBorrowInterest (code, symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchBorrowRateHistories{docsify-ignore} retrieves a history of a multiple currencies borrow interest rate at specific time slots, returns all currencies if no symbols passed, default is undefined **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a dictionary of [borrow rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-rate-structure) indexed by the market symbol **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/margin-trading/margin-trading-v3-/get-cross-isolated-margin-interest-records | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | codes | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | list of unified currency codes, default is undefined | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest borrowRate, default is undefined | | limit | int | No | max number of borrow rate prices to return, default is undefined | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated' default is 'cross' | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | ```javascript kucoin.fetchBorrowRateHistories (codes[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### fetchBorrowRateHistory{docsify-ignore} retrieves a history of a currencies borrow interest rate at specific time slots **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - an array of [borrow rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-rate-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/margin-trading/margin-trading-v3-/get-cross-isolated-margin-interest-records | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code | | since | int | No | timestamp for the earliest borrow rate | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of [borrow rate structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=borrow-rate-structure) to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.marginMode | string | No | 'cross' or 'isolated' default is 'cross' | | params.until | int | No | the latest time in ms to fetch entries for | ```javascript kucoin.fetchBorrowRateHistory (code[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### borrowCrossMargin{docsify-ignore} create a loan to borrow margin **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#1-margin-borrowing | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to borrow | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to borrow | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoints | | params.timeInForce | string | No | either IOC or FOK | ```javascript kucoin.borrowCrossMargin (code, amount[, params]) ``` ### borrowIsolatedMargin{docsify-ignore} create a loan to borrow margin **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#1-margin-borrowing | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol, required for isolated margin | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to borrow | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to borrow | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoints | | params.timeInForce | string | No | either IOC or FOK | ```javascript kucoin.borrowIsolatedMargin (symbol, code, amount[, params]) ``` ### repayCrossMargin{docsify-ignore} repay borrowed margin and interest **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#2-repayment | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to repay | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to repay | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoints | ```javascript kucoin.repayCrossMargin (code, amount[, params]) ``` ### repayIsolatedMargin{docsify-ignore} repay borrowed margin and interest **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [margin loan structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=margin-loan-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#2-repayment | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | code | string | Yes | unified currency code of the currency to repay | | amount | float | Yes | the amount to repay | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoints | ```javascript kucoin.repayIsolatedMargin (symbol, code, amount[, params]) ``` ### fetchDepositWithdrawFees{docsify-ignore} fetch deposit and withdraw fees - *IMPORTANT* use fetchDepositWithdrawFee to get more in-depth info **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a list of [fee structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure) **See**: https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-currencies | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | codes | Array<string>, undefined | Yes | list of unified currency codes | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.fetchDepositWithdrawFees (codes[, params]) ``` ### setLeverage{docsify-ignore} set the level of leverage for a market **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - response from the exchange **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/rest/margin-trading/margin-trading-v3-/modify-leverage-multiplier | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.setLeverage (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchTicker{docsify-ignore} watches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/market-snapshot | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.watchTicker (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchTickers{docsify-ignore} watches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for all markets of a specific list **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/ticker | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.method | string | No | either '/market/snapshot' or '/market/ticker' default is '/market/ticker' | ```javascript kucoin.watchTickers (symbols[, params]) ``` ### watchBidsAsks{docsify-ignore} watches best bid & ask for symbols **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [ticker structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level1-bbo-market-data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.watchBidsAsks (symbols[, params]) ``` ### watchOHLCV{docsify-ignore} watches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<Array<int>> - A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/klines | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for | | timeframe | string | Yes | the length of time each candle represents | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of candles to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.watchOHLCV (symbol, timeframe[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchTrades{docsify-ignore} get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/match-execution-data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of trades to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.watchTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchTrades{docsify-ignore} get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/match-execution-data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of trades to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.watchTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchTradesForSymbols{docsify-ignore} unWatches trades stream **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/match-execution-data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | since | int | No | timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of trades to fetch | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.unWatchTradesForSymbols (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchTrades{docsify-ignore} unWatches trades stream **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/match-execution-data | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.unWatchTrades (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} watches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level1-bbo-market-data - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-market-data - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-5-best-ask-bid-orders - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-50-best-ask-bid-orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.method | string | No | either '/market/level2' or '/spotMarket/level2Depth5' or '/spotMarket/level2Depth50' default is '/market/level2' | ```javascript kucoin.watchOrderBook (symbol[, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchOrderBook{docsify-ignore} unWatches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level1-bbo-market-data - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-market-data - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-5-best-ask-bid-orders - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-50-best-ask-bid-orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.method | string | No | either '/market/level2' or '/spotMarket/level2Depth5' or '/spotMarket/level2Depth50' default is '/market/level2' | ```javascript kucoin.unWatchOrderBook (symbol[, params]) ``` ### watchOrderBookForSymbols{docsify-ignore} watches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level1-bbo-market-data - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-market-data - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-5-best-ask-bid-orders - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-50-best-ask-bid-orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified array of symbols | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.method | string | No | either '/market/level2' or '/spotMarket/level2Depth5' or '/spotMarket/level2Depth50' default is '/market/level2' | ```javascript kucoin.watchOrderBookForSymbols (symbols[, limit, params]) ``` ### unWatchOrderBookForSymbols{docsify-ignore} unWatches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - A dictionary of [order book structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure) indexed by market symbols **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level1-bbo-market-data - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-market-data - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-5-best-ask-bid-orders - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/public-channels/level2-50-best-ask-bid-orders | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbols | Array<string> | Yes | unified array of symbols | | limit | int | No | the maximum amount of order book entries to return | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.method | string | No | either '/market/level2' or '/spotMarket/level2Depth5' or '/spotMarket/level2Depth50' default is '/market/level2' | ```javascript kucoin.unWatchOrderBookForSymbols (symbols[, limit, params]) ``` ### watchOrders{docsify-ignore} watches information on multiple orders made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [order structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure) **See** - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/private-channels/private-order-change - https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/private-channels/stop-order-event | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market orders were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of order structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.stop | boolean | No | trigger orders are watched if true | ```javascript kucoin.watchOrders (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchMyTrades{docsify-ignore} watches information on multiple trades made by the user **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: Array<object> - a list of [trade structures](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/private-channels/private-order-change | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | symbol | string | Yes | unified market symbol of the market trades were made in | | since | int | No | the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for | | limit | int | No | the maximum number of trade structures to retrieve | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | | params.method | string | No | '/spotMarket/tradeOrders' or '/spot/tradeFills' default is '/spotMarket/tradeOrders' | ```javascript kucoin.watchMyTrades (symbol[, since, limit, params]) ``` ### watchBalance{docsify-ignore} watch balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders **Kind**: instance method of [kucoin](#kucoin) **Returns**: object - a [balance structure](https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=balance-structure) **See**: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/websocket/spot-trading/private-channels/account-balance-change | Param | Type | Required | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | params | object | No | extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint | ```javascript kucoin.watchBalance ([params]) ```